Update: The State and Future of Brain Fitness

Here you are have the twice-a-month newslet­ter with our 10 most pop­u­lar blog posts. Please brainremem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive this Newslet­ter by email, sim­ply by sub­mit­ting your email at the top of this page.

A cru­cial top­ic we cov­er is, “How can we use emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies to keep our brains healthy and pro­duc­tive as long as pos­si­ble?” The Amer­i­can Soci­ety on Aging asked Alvaro to exer­cise his brain…and here are his thoughts on the cur­rent state and future of the brain fit­ness mar­ket: Brain Health Busi­ness Grows With Research and Demand


Brain Train­ing Pre­sen­ta­tion and Sem­i­nars: We had an infor­ma­tive webi­nar this Tues­day. Click here to view the pre­sen­ta­tion and learn about upcom­ing events.

New “Exer­cise Your Brain” Wid­get: A wid­get is basi­cal­ly a box you can embed in your blog or web­page (like Face­book) to eas­i­ly share arti­cles with your read­ers and friends. We have just released a Sharp­Brains one!


Mys­ter­ies of Brain and Mind: Sev­er­al recent New York Times arti­cles high­light fas­ci­nat­ing fron­tiers of brain sci­ence, explor­ing mind­ful­ness, per­cep­tu­al capac­i­ties, and the pow­er of placebo.

Brain Games or Drugs for Cog­ni­tive Enhance­ment: “In con­clu­sion, it looks like one can use train­ing to boost one’s flu­id intel­li­gence,” says Dr. Pas­cale Mich­e­lon, based on a recent study.

Edu­ca­tion and Training

Try Think­ing and Learn­ing With­out Work­ing Mem­o­ry: Quick! Can you recite back­wards the 7 dig­its of your phone num­ber? Bill Klemm answers some key ques­tions on think­ing and work­ing mem­o­ry, in one of the most insight­ful arti­cles on the sub­ject we have seen.

Health and Wellness

Man­age Stress for Your Brain Health: Insight­ful essay on stress man­age­ment and brain health writ­ten by Lan­don, as part of one of our stu­dent essay contests.

Study: Med­i­ta­tion Against ADHD: In order to fight atten­tion deficits…does’t make sense to devel­op the “men­tal mus­cles” to pay atten­tion? Take a quick look at the top­ic, post­ed at the Huff­in­g­ton Post (if you have an account there, and can leave a com­ment, please do).

Mind­ful­ness Med­i­ta­tion for Adults & Teens with ADHD: Dr. David Rabin­er shares with us a detailed review of a new study that ana­lyzes the ben­e­fits of mind­ful­ness for ado­les­cents and adults with atten­tion deficits.

Brain Teasers

Expand­ed Brain Teasers Sec­tion: we have re-orga­nized the Brain Teasers sec­tion in our web­site. You can now eas­i­ly enjoy our Top 50 brain games or check out our Lat­est chal­lenges.

Have a stim­u­lat­ing weekend!

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

Top Articles on Brain Health and Neuroplasticity

Top 10 Brain Teasers and Illusions


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