Update: Promote brain plasticity by taking your daily exercise pill — physical and cognitive

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing nine sci­en­tif­ic reports and indus­try devel­op­ments to help pro­mote life­long brain health. #1. A must-read, and must-prac­tice: Pro­mote brain plas­tic­i­ty and keep your mind at ease by tak­ing your dai­ly “exer­cise pill” #2. If cog­ni­tive stim­u­la­tion came in a pill it’d be worth a quadrillion, give or…

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Never stop wondering” — Sharon Begley, science journalist, RIP

We are deeply sad­dened to hear that Sharon Beg­ley, one of the most exem­plary sci­ence jour­nal­ist of our times, died on Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 16th. She was always full of curios­i­ty, high stan­dards and excel­lent writ­ing about all things sci­ence, with a long­stand­ing inter­est in brain and mind research. May she rest in peace, and may her…

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On becoming a psychotherapy pioneer and bestselling writer: A fantastic memoir by, and window into, the unique mind of Irvin D. Yalom

If you’re inter­est­ed in the life of the mind, here you have an awe­some win­dow into a unique mind — a pro­found mem­oir by best­selling writer and psy­chother­a­py pio­neer Irvin D. Yalom. It was pub­lished back in 2017 but, like good wine, it has aged well and is more rel­e­vant today than ever. Irvin D. Yalom,…

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Update: The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing 14 research find­ings, resources and tips for brain health … and start­ing with this fas­ci­nat­ing study: #1. Wow. The place­bo effect works even when peo­ple know they are tak­ing a place­bo #2. Beat­ing Alzheimer’s Dis­ease will require a com­bined physical/ men­tal approach: From the ten fac­tors found…

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