Test your stress level with this quick brain teaser

pressure-performance-curve-400x300Here’s a quick test to deter­mine your stress lev­el.  Read the fol­low­ing descrip­tion com­pletely before look­ing at the pic­ture linked below.

The pic­ture was used in a case study on stress lev­els at St. Mary’s Hos­pi­tal. Look at both dol­phins jump­ing out of the water. The dol­phins are essen­tial­ly iden­ti­cal. A close­ly mon­i­tored, sci­en­tific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dol­phins are so sim­i­lar, a per­son under stress would find many dif­fer­ences between the two dol­phins. The more dif­fer­ences a per­son finds between the dol­phins, the more stress that per­son is experiencing.

Look at the image and, if you find more than one or two dif­fer­ences, you may want to enjoy a real­ly relax­ing holiday…


–> CLICK HERE to see the picture


How did you do? Do you need a vaca­tion?! Appar­ent­ly I do! Here are some tips to man­age stress


More fun brain teaser games to test your stress, humor and cognitive skills:


  1. Eric on January 12, 2016 at 9:43

    The one on the right is a cow, good I’m not blind :-)

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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