#7. Brain teaser: What does Apple’s logo look like? Can you please draw it?

We don’t notice much of what we see: 85 col­lege stu­dents tried to draw the Apple logo from mem­o­ry; 84 failed (Sci­ence Daily):

Could you draw the ubiq­ui­tous Apple com­put­er logo from memory?…Out of 85 UCLA under­grad­u­ate stu­dents, only one cor­rect­ly repro­duced the Apple logo when asked to draw it on a blank sheet of paper. Few­er than half the stu­dents cor­rect­ly iden­ti­fied the actu­al logo when they were shown it among a num­ber of sim­i­lar logos with slight­ly altered features.

An expla­na­tion may be that our brains have learned it is not impor­tant to remem­ber spe­cif­ic details. An effi­cient mem­o­ry sys­tem does not need to store the details of a cor­po­rate logo…

Oth­er stud­ies have shown that most peo­ple have a poor mem­o­ry for items they encounter dai­ly or almost dai­ly, includ­ing com­put­er key­boards (even skilled typ­ists have dif­fi­cul­ty describ­ing a stan­dard key­board), pen­nies and road signs.

–> Can you draw the ubiq­ui­tous Apple com­put­er logo from mem­o­ry? Please try to, and then check the actu­al logo


Next brain teas­er in Sharp­Brains’ top 25 series:

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