Exercise Your Brain Widget
Hello, I hope you have been enjoying the long weekend (for folks in the US).
Creating a SharpBrains Widget was in my To Do list for a good while, to make it easier to share our content via other blogs and social sites (Facebook…). Finally, it is done!. And surprisingly easy.
What it is: A widget is basically a box you can embed in your blog or webpage. For example, after creating our Exercise Your Brain widget, I just embedded it into our own blog: you can see it in the right column, titled Share Our Blog. There are several options (size, color…), very easy to customize.
Description: Exercise Your Brain. Research-based information on Brain Fitness and Cognitive Health, authored by SharpBrains staff and over 10 neuroscientists, spiced up with fun Brain Teasers.
What you can do: if you have any website or blog where you’d like the widget to appear, you can simply Get your Widget by clicking Here. Choose the options (box size, color theme, article text…) that better fit your site, and copy and paste the HTML. It literally takes 3–5 minutes.
Thank you. I hope we’ll see it appear in a variety of blogs and websites interested in brain topics, so we can expand the conversation!