Exercise Your Brain Widget

Hel­lo, I hope you have been enjoy­ing the long week­end (for folks in the US).

Cre­at­ing a Sharp­Brains Wid­get was in my To Do list for a good while, to make it eas­i­er to share our con­tent via oth­er blogs and social sites (Face­book…). Final­ly, it is done!. And sur­pris­ing­ly easy.

What it is: A wid­get is basi­cal­ly a box you can embed in your blog or web­page. For exam­ple, after cre­at­ing our Exer­cise Your Brain wid­get, I just embed­ded it into our own blog: you can see it in the right col­umn, titled Share Our Blog. There are sev­er­al options (size, col­or…), very easy to customize.

Descrip­tion: Exer­cise Your Brain. Research-based infor­ma­tion on Brain Fit­ness and Cog­ni­tive Health, authored by Sharp­Brains staff and over 10 neu­ro­sci­en­tists, spiced up with fun Brain Teasers.

What you can do: if you have any web­site or blog where you’d like the wid­get to appear, you can sim­ply Get your Wid­get by click­ing Here. Choose the options (box size, col­or theme, arti­cle text…) that bet­ter fit your site, and copy and paste the HTML. It lit­er­al­ly takes 3–5 minutes.

Thank you. I hope we’ll see it appear in a vari­ety of blogs and web­sites inter­est­ed in brain top­ics, so we can expand the conversation!

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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