Looking for a mental edge, more professional athletes adopt brain training apps



Brain train­ing gain­ing momen­tum as new app for ath­letes to be unveiled (ESPN):

Brain sci­ence for ath­letes is get­ting more atten­tion, not only as scruti­ny over con­cus­sion test­ing becomes greater with reports of long term dam­age to pros but also as brain train­ing becomes more professionalized.

Every­one is look­ing for that edge, there’s only so far you can go with tal­ent and your phys­i­cal traits,” said Toron­to Blue Jays out­field­er Jose Bautista, who along with golfer Rick­ie Fowler, race car dri­ver Dale Earn­hardt Jr., foot­ball play­er Richard Sher­man and soc­cer play­er Alex Mor­gan, among oth­ers, is endors­ing the new tool. “The men­tal part of the game is the hard­est to explain because you can feel it and, the sense was that until now you could­n’t prac­tice it like hav­ing pitch­es thrown to you or field­ing fly balls.”

In 2012, Sharp­Brains, a mar­ket track­ing com­pa­ny focus­ing on dig­i­tal health said busi­ness was worth $1 bil­lion and would like­ly be worth $6 bil­lion by 2020…

The Head­Train­er app is free to down­load, but offers a $4.99 month­ly sub­scrip­tion to do more advanced training.”

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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