Navigating ADHD treatments’ course starts today

Dr. David RabinerHel­lo,

If you are among the many sub­scribers who reg­is­tered for the How to Nav­i­gate Con­ven­tion­al and Com­ple­men­tary ADHD Treat­ments for Healthy Brain Devel­op­ment online course, I appre­ci­ate your inter­est. We have put togeth­er a cur­ricu­lum that I believe you will find to be inter­est­ing and helpful.

The first ses­sion starts at 4 PM US Pacif­ic Time/ 7 PM US East­ern Time (we will open the vir­tu­al class­room an hour pri­or). All reg­is­tered par­tic­i­pants should have received log-in details via email. Don’t wor­ry, how­ev­er, if you can’t make it online at that time — the course will be record­ed and avail­able to par­tic­i­pants through 9/30/15.

Here is what we will cov­er in today’s open­ing session:

  • healthy brain devel­op­ment across the life span;
  • under­stand­ing the mean­ing of ‘research sup­port’ and its limitations;
  • strengths and lim­i­ta­tions of med­ica­tion treat­ment and what high-qual­i­ty med­ica­tion treat­ment involves;
  • strengths and lim­i­ta­tions of behav­ior treat­ments and what good behav­ior treat­ment requires.

Dur­ing the sec­ond ses­sion the fol­low­ing week, we will review com­ple­men­tary treat­ments, e.g., neu­ro­feed­back, cog­ni­tive train­ing, diets/supplements and pro­vide detailed infor­ma­tion about the impor­tance of treat­ment mon­i­tor­ing and how to do it.

The over­all course goal is to pro­vide par­ents with the infor­ma­tion need­ed to make well-informed deci­sions about how to best help their child succeed.

As an added fea­ture for course par­tic­i­pants, we’ve teamed up with a soft­ware provider to give you com­ple­men­tary treat­ment mon­i­tor­ing ser­vices for 1‑year to course par­tic­i­pants; details will be reviewed in the course. If you pre­fer to use a paper and pen­cil sys­tem for treat­ment mon­i­tor­ing, that will be avail­able as well.

There are no sim­ple solu­tions for ADHD but hav­ing good infor­ma­tion real­ly helps. Pro­vid­ing such infor­ma­tion for par­ents is what this course is all about. If it sounds like it could be use­ful to you, I hope you will be able to make it.


David Rabin­er, PhD
Research Professor
Duke University

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SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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