Want to improve your Health? Start by boosting your Brain Health

Our cog­ni­tion and men­tal well­be­ing are cru­cial fac­tors for our qual­i­ty of life and put us in a good posi­tion to con­tribute to soci­ety. Ulti­mate­ly, it can be near impos­si­ble to achieve phys­i­cal goals and demand­ing life chal­lenges if our brain health is not opti­mal. Yet most of us appear to be more con­cerned with…

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Final 10 days to nominate teachers for the $1M Global Teacher Prize 2024

Dear edu­ca­tors, par­ents, and stu­dents world­wide, There are now ten days to go until appli­ca­tions and nom­i­na­tions close for the Glob­al Teacher Prize, and we want­ed to ask you to help us spread the word. The Glob­al Teacher Prize, in part­ner­ship with GEMS edu­ca­tion, serves to under­line the impor­tance of edu­ca­tors and the fact that,…

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Announcement: Rebalance to Thrive in 2025 flash executive retreats to be held in Madrid (Jan 17) and London (Feb 11)

We’re hap­py to announce the dates for two excit­ing events to help bring lat­est research and best prac­tices to the real world of lead­er­ship and tal­ent. “Our team emerged recharged, aligned, and equipped with prac­ti­cal tools to find per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al bal­ance amid our industry’s high demands.” – Alexan­dra Paton, Head of Con­ti­nen­tal Europe, Lib­er­ty Specialty…

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Study: Effortful lifelong learning–full of novelty and challenge– is key to maintain & improve cognitive function

Some 2.3 mil­lion of U.S. adults over 65 – more than 4% – have a diag­no­sis of demen­tia. But even with­out a diag­no­sis, a cer­tain amount of cog­ni­tive decline is nor­mal as age sets in. And whether it’s due to fear of cog­ni­tive decline or notic­ing laps­es in cog­ni­tion when we are stressed, many of us…

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Study: Brain imaging, combined with computer modeling, can help predict your emotional responses

In a new study, researchers were able to pre­dict a person’s response to emo­tion­al­ly charged scenes using brain imag­ing and com­put­er mod­el­ing alone—gauging not only whether the person’s reac­tion was pos­i­tive, neg­a­tive, or neu­tral, but also how strong the reac­tion was. The study helps neu­ro­sci­en­tists under­stand how the brain rep­re­sents com­plex emo­tion­al nat­ur­al stim­uli, accord­ing to…

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