Fascinating, useful research-backed and up-to-date information on your brain”

SharpBrains_cover_front_webWe were very glad this morn­ing to find this cus­tomer review in Amazon.com, dis­cussing our new book:

My fam­i­ly has a his­to­ry of demen­tia and Alzheimer’s, so my wife and I are always on the look­out for new and help­ful infor­ma­tion about keep­ing our brains strong as we age. We’ve read more than a few and I haven’t writ­ten reviews of any of them. I want­ed to share a bit about why I did like this book and what prompt­ed me to take the time to write a review. I found this book to be burst­ing with use­ful infor­ma­tion. It is very easy to read and the infor­ma­tion is pre­sent­ed beau­ti­ful­ly for what I con­sid­er to be the intend­ed audi­ence – peo­ple like me with­out an advanced degree in brain-relat­ed sci­ence! At the same time, the con­tent is very up-to-date so I am sure those in the field could learn quite a bit, too. The sec­tion of the book that I found most enlight­en­ing and inter­est­ing is about how exer­cise affects the brain. As a not-too-avid, but fair­ly con­sis­tent exer­cis­er, I read this chap­ter hop­ing for it to reju­ve­nate my effort and it did because it pre­sent­ed the how and why of exercise’s ben­e­fits for the brain. When my young don asked me why I was exer­cis­ing again, I almost replied, “It turns out that the research shows that exer­cise can trig­ger changes in the brain that spur neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, which is the pro­duc­tion of new neu­rons and the con­nec­tions between them!” But, instead I just said because it is good for me and for my brain… not because I don’t think he could have under­stood, but more because I didn’t want his fol­low-up ques­tions to delay my neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty work­out! I think anoth­er sec­tion that will be inter­est­ing to many read­ers as it was for me is the sec­tion about nutri­tion and the brain. The Mediter­ranean Diet, sup­ple­ments’ effect on brain health (or not), smok­ing, and obe­si­ty are a few of the top­ics cov­ered. One last note… Each chap­ter ends with an inter­view with a promi­nent expert in the area cov­ered in the pre­vi­ous chap­ter. This is great! The inter­views pro­vide points of empha­sis and put a nice bow on each chap­ter. My wife is read­ing it now and we’ll share it with rel­a­tives after that. Thank you, Doc­tors Fer­nan­dez, Gold­berg, and Michelon.”

Thank YOU, Tim­my Gillard, and oth­er read­ers!

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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