The Crash Reel: Upcoming HBO documentary on traumatic brain injury & recovery

TCRWe just learned about upcom­ing HBO doc­u­men­tary The Crash Reel, based on the sto­ry of U.S. cham­pi­on snow­board­er Kevin Pearce, his trau­mat­ic brain injury, and his recov­ery. If you live in or near Wash­ing­ton, DC, you can enjoy screen­ings in:

Descrip­tion: Train­ing to com­pete at the 2010 Win­ter Olympics, Kevin suf­fered severe trau­mat­ic brain injury from a 2009 acci­dent in Park City, Utah. His tight-knit Ver­mont fam­i­ly flew to his side, and togeth­er they began an inten­sive process of try­ing to reha­bil­i­tate him and help him rebuild his per­ma­nent­ly dam­aged life. Kevin’s deter­mi­na­tion and the tire­less sup­port of fam­i­ly and friends kept him focused on recov­ery. But when he insist­ed he want­ed to return to the sport he loved, his fam­i­ly object­ed. As an elite ath­lete, Kevin was a pro­fes­sion­al risk tak­er, but as a brain-injury sur­vivor, his skills were now impaired, and even a small blow to the head could kill him.

To Learn More:

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