Your Haiku, Please?

We con­clud­ed our Top 50 Brain Teasers post with the challenge: Haiku brain exercise

#50. Can you write a haiku describ­ing your expe­ri­ence doing some of the pre­vi­ous teasers? The sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need to rhyme, con­tain­ing 5,7, and 5 syl­la­bles. There were a num­ber of great and fun takers…you can enjoy their haikus below.

Let’s now change the theme: Can you write a haiku describ­ing what prob­lem you would like to see brain research solve? Remem­ber the sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need to rhyme, con­tain­ing 5,7, and 5 syl­la­bles. You can leave your haiku as a com­ment for extra points…

Pre­vi­ous haikus on brain exercise:

- My favorite, by GTB:

Haiku’s are easy
But some­times they don’t make sense

- Ter­ry says:

New infor­ma­tion
Syn­the­siz­ing my knowledge
A for­ward movement

- Frank says:

Painful­ly easy
Sig­nif­i­cant­ly harder
Men­tal stimulus

- Chuck says:

This was fun, and no,
I don’t intend to haiku.
Thanks for post­ing it

- Sarah says:

find­ing your teasers
added fun to my morning,
helped wake my brain up

- Lor­raine says:

teach­ing math is fun
when you find great resources
sharp brains is the place

- Psalm says

As my mind expands,
it grasps new ideas…oh look
there’s some­thing shiny!!

- Hizam says

now i know 2
oh i for­got the oth­er one

- anon writes

the noon hour portends
a bur­ri­to with salsa
bright­en­ing my tongue

- Mike says

See I think I see
Here now, not so — real­ly real?
Wound­ed, mind leaves me

- Lisa

new thoughts activate
frontal lobe work hard, harder
no senility

Yours , please?

Posted in


  1. Sarah on October 4, 2008 at 2:30

    oops, for­get to men­tion that there is one extra letter…

  2. Sarah on October 4, 2008 at 2:34

    I can’t find a way to edit…I miscounted…so here is the revised.


    Wil­low Hides Yes­ter­day’s Dreams Of

    Whis­pered Excla­ma­tions And Lev­i­tat­ing Leaves Droop­ing Red

    Embers And My ques­tion mark

  3. JRN4231 on October 5, 2008 at 9:26

    Brains need sleep to work
    Oth­er­wise they fiz­zle out
    Go to bed early

  4. jairo obando on November 3, 2008 at 11:42

    I like do haiku
    but always is over seven
    then try it the last

  5. Pascal on November 10, 2008 at 1:26

    This was quite puzzling,
    Yet I have learned a lot,
    I will soon forget.

  6. JR on December 2, 2008 at 6:39

    Why do I often seem to
    think about something
    and then for­get what it was

  7. Margaret Hookey on December 2, 2008 at 7:53

    Brain research could help with:

    Look­ing into your kind face
    Sud­den­ly your name is gone.

  8. Steven on January 11, 2009 at 8:59

    spaghet­ti noodles
    sci­ence, save us from the creeps
    cure stupidity

  9. Linda on February 15, 2009 at 1:00

    thanks to your teasers
    my brain pre­vi­ous­ly old
    now is much younger

  10. James on February 26, 2009 at 1:59

    So much to think of.
    I con­tin­u­ous­ly try.
    My brain hurt so much.

  11. Frankie on March 18, 2009 at 1:21

    how does a toddler
    know when mom is on the phone
    time to play loudly

  12. Loren on March 18, 2009 at 8:58

    Thought I was crazy
    Found my brain was just lazy
    New tools may save me!

  13. jack on March 26, 2009 at 5:21

    these were kind off hard
    but i had fun nonetheless
    i book­marked this site

  14. Allou eyeguy on March 28, 2009 at 2:41

    teas­ing of the mind

    brain mat­ter stimulation

    cog­ni­tive cool down

  15. ann on May 9, 2009 at 7:32

    i’m not a poet
    but it would be nice to see
    research explain me

  16. Joey on May 19, 2009 at 8:06

    I love brain teasers,
    For stim­u­lat­ing the mind
    How awe­some is that

  17. Matjie on May 20, 2009 at 7:05

    pick up just one more
    tra­jec­to­ry seems endless
    sug­ary refuge

  18. Me on October 25, 2009 at 7:17

    Ha Haiku Haiku
    Haiku Haiku Haiku Ha
    Haiku Need Tissue

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