Top insights on neuroplasticity, emotion and cognition (book highlights via Amazon Kindle)
April 28, 2014//Comments Off on Top insights on neuroplasticity, emotion and cognition (book highlights via Amazon Kindle)
Interested in modern brain science and what it has to offer to improve education, health and quality of life? Here you have some of the most popular highlights of the book The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness, courtesy of the thousands of readers enjoying and annotating the Kindle edition of the book.
- “Emotion is the system that tells us how important something is. Attention focuses us on the important and away from the unimportant things. Cognition tells us what to do about it. Cognitive skills are whatever it takes to do those things.”
- “Working memory is the type of memory that allows us to both hold information in mind and work on it as needed.”
- “The central concept in this new approach is neuroplasticity, the brain’s lifelong capacity to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. This includes both the lifelong ability to create new neurons – neurogenesis – and to create new connections between neurons – synaptogenesis.”
- “Controlling and managing emotion (including stress and anger) is crucial for performing successfully in anything.”
- “Sometimes our hypothesis will be right, and sometimes it will be wrong. The fear of failing, the fear of looking not smart, is a key obstacle to learning.”
- “a healthy brain is a brain that has the right amount of plasticity”
- “Meditation is one of the techniques to change both brain activity and structures, and may give us unique control over attention by promoting broadening and focus.”
- “Learning is physical. Learning means the modification, growth, and pruning of our neuronal networks, through experience.”
- “…true brain fitness refers to having the brain functionality – cognitive, emotional, executive – required to thrive in the environment we face each day.”
- “In every field, elite performers devote more time to practice than to the actual performance. To perform at the highest level, you need to protect and optimize practice and learning time.”
Which of these highlights surprise you the most? Why?
To Learn More:
- Read the first chapter free Here (click on button Read first chapter free)
- Order and read The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness (soft cover, ebook)
About SharpBrains
SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.