Upcoming talks: ESCoNS2, Harvard, WEF, Neurogaming, mesh13
Heads up: these are some of the talks I’ll be giving over the next few months. If you’re a SharpBrains friend and speaking at/ attending any, please let me know so we can connect.
> March 15–17, Los Angeles: Marriage of Science & Industry — How to create a sustainable business model that proves end-user value, at ESCoNS2 (Entertainment Software and Cognitive Neurotherapeutics Society)
> April 1st, Boston: Health from the Neck Up, a guest lecture at Harvard extension course Mind, Brain, Health, and Education (MBHE): The Sciences of Development, Learning, and Well-being
> April 23–25, Lima, Peru: World Economic Forum on Latin America 2013
> May 1–2, San Francisco: Think, Think, Think: Cognitive Gaming Platforms, at Neurogaming
> May 15–16, Toronto: The Web as a Gym for the Brain, at mesh13
March 15–17, Los Angeles: ESCoNS2 (Entertainment Software and Cognitive Neurotherapeutics Society)
Friday 2–3.30pm. Marriage of Science & Industry Part 1: How to create a sustainable business model that proves end-user value
- Alvaro Fernandez (Chair), SharpBrains.com: Five lessons learned from leading successes and failures to commercialize neuroscience-based innovation since 2005
- Joe Hardy, Lumosity: Customer Driven Innovation in Cognitive Training
- Rich Keefe, Duke University: Seeking FDA Device Approval for Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: the e‑Caesar Trial
- Adam Haim, NIMH, The NIMH, IT Enhanced Interventions, and Industry – Opportunities for Synergy
- Eddie Martucci, Akili Interactive Labs: Beyond the Consumer: Video Games as Mainstream Medical Tools
- Thomas Klein, Esq., Shareholder, GreenbergTraurig (Silicon Valley): Capitalization and Business Structures of New Ventures
April 1st, Boston: Guest lecture at Harvard extension course Mind, Brain, Health, and Education (MBHE): The Sciences of Development, Learning, and Well-being
- Health from the Neck Up. Historically, brain health has been largely ignored, given limited awareness of CNS health importance across the lifespan. Now that this is rapidly changing, what lifestyles and evidence-based interventions support the health of the brain across the lifespan? Guest lecturer Alvaro Fernandez will provide a broad survey of the land and facilitate a book club discussion with 2nd e edition of The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness.
April 23–25 in Lima, Peru: World Economic Forum on Latin America 2013
- Delivering Growth, Strengthening Societies
May 1–2 in San Francisco: Neurogaming
Think, Think, Think: Cognitive Gaming Platforms. This amazing panel will discuss how breakthrough technologies like transcranial direct current stimulation, ultrasonic brain stimulation, eye tracking, and brain simulation are being used to to track, understand, and boost attention and cognitive performance of players, opening up new avenues for experience development.
- Mike Oxley, CEO and Founder, Foc.us
- Amy Kruse, Vice President, RealWorld NeuroBridge, Intific
- Barbara Hanna, CEO, NeuroMatters
- Joe Hardy, VP Research and Development, Lumos Labs
- Chris Berka, CEO and Co-founder, Advanced Brain Monitoring
- Moderator: Alvaro Fernandez, CEO and Founder, SharpBrains
May 15–16 in Toronto: mesh13
- The Web as a Gym for the Brain
(Pic of speaker courtesy of BigStockPhoto)