Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise? (New WEF eBook)
This is an excellent (and free) “big picture” eBook published by the World Economic Forum to contextualize why, and how, our societies, policies and systems will need updating in order to better manage global population ageing.
EBook description: Global ageing, in developed and developing countries alike, will dramatically alter the way that societies and economies work. The issues include how individuals find fulfilment, at what age they retire, and their quality of life once they do retire; how governments devise social contracts to provide financial security; how the older and younger generations interact as they divide up the economic pie; how businesses staff their jobs to compensate in many countries for shrinking workforces; and how health systems respond to the altered needs of those living longer.
To download eBook, Click Here (opens PDF in new window).
A previous paper on this topic was published in journal Global Policy last year, titled The Global Agenda Council on the Ageing Society: Policy Principles.
Description: In 2008, the World Economic Forum (WEF) created the Global Agenda Councils – an amalgamation of scientists, public policy makers, academics, physicians and business leaders with the task of devising transformational innovation in global governance for the purpose of advancing knowledge and collaboratively developing solutions for the most crucial issues facing humanity. Because of its overarching effect on many aspects of society, a Council was created to address global issues associated with an ageing society. The Councils have the task of challenging prevailing assumptions, monitoring trends, proposing solutions, devising strategies, making public policy proposals and evaluating the effectiveness of actions using measurable benchmarks. This report is the first product of the WEF’s Council on the Ageing Society – our goal is to lay down the initial principles that will guide our actions in the coming years.
To download paper, Click Here (opens PDF in new window).