Long-term effects of neurofeedback treatment for ADHD
Neurofeedback — also known as EEG Biofeedback — is an approach for treating ADHD in which individuals are provided real-time feedback on their brainwave patterns and taught to produce and maintain patterns consistent with a focused, attentive state. This is often done by collecting brainwave, i.e., EEG, data from individuals as they focus on stimuli presented on a computer screen. Their ability to control the stimuli, for example, keeping the ‘smile on a smiley face’, is contingent on maintaining the brainwave pattern being trained.
Neurofeedback supporters believe that learning this during training generalizes to real world situations and results in improved attention and reduced hyperactive/impulsive behavior. Although a number of neurofeedback studies have yielded promising results it remains somewhat controversial with some researchers arguing that limitations of these studies preclude firm conclusions about the effectiveness of neurofeedback from being drawn.
Last year I reviewed a particularly well-conducted study of neurofeedback treatment for ADHD — see my review here. The study was conducted in Germany and began with 94 children aged 8 to 12. All had been carefully diagnosed with ADHD and over 90% had never received medication treatment. About 80% were boys.
Children were randomly assigned to receive either 36 sessions of neurofeedback training or 36 sessions of computerized attention training. The computerized attention training task was intended to serve as the control intervention and provided equal amounts of time working on a demanding cognitive task under the supervision of an adult; the inclusion of this control condition is a real strength of the study.
The main findings were as follows:
1. Parents of children treated with neurofeedback reported significantly greater reductions in inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms than parents of control children, i.e,. those who received computerized attention training. The size of the group difference was in a range that would be considered moderate, i.e., about .5 standard deviations. 2. Teachers of children treated with neurofeedback reported significantly greater reductions in inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms than teachers of control children. The size of the group difference was similar to that found for parents, about .5 standard deviations.
The authors also examined the percentage of children in each group that were judged to derive a ‘significant’ benefit, defined as at least a 25% reduction in core ADHD symptoms. Fifty-one percent of children in the neurofeedback group met this threshold compared to only 26% of children in the attention training control group. This difference was statistically significant.
- New study presents 6‑month follow-up results -
Recently, the authors of this study published 6‑month follow-up data so that the duration of neurofeedback treatment effects could be examined. This is an important issue to study as one of the purported benefits of neurofeedback treatment is that the effects can endure well beyond when treatment has been completed.
Follow-up data was available on 61 of the original participants including 38 from the neurofeedback group and 23 from the control group. Follow-up data was based on parents ratings only as teacher ratings were not obtained at this time point.
Of the 32 ‘drop outs’, parents of 15 did not return the follow-up rating scales while the remaining 17 had started on medication. Children who began medication were not included because it was not possible to determine the extent to which their current functioning reflected their initial treatment or their current medication. However, it is reasonable to assume that parents would only start medication if they were not satisfied with how their child was doing.
- Results -
Key findings were as follows.
1. Parents’ ratings of core ADHD symptoms indicated that children treated with neurofeedback were still doing significantly better than children who received the ‘control treatment’. The magnitude of the difference was moderate to large, i.e., about .7 standard deviations. Reductions in symptoms scores from the initial baseline ratings were in the range of 25–30% for the neurofeedback group compared to only 10–15% for the control group.
2.Children in the neurofeedback tended to receive lower ratings for delinquent and physically aggressive behavior, but these differences did not quite reach statistical significance.
3. Parents’ reports of homework difficulties showed a greater decline over time for the neurofeedback treated children than for control children.
4. Group differences in a range of problematic situations that occur at home were not significant.
In addition to these analyses, the researchers also computed the percentage of children in each group who were considered to show a good treatment response, defined as at least a 25% reduction in parents’ ratings of core ADHD symptoms compared to baseline. This was true for 50% of children in the NF group compared to 30% of those in the control group. These differences were in the expected direction but did not quite reach statistical significance given the relative small sample size at follow-up, i.e., a total of only 61 children.
- Summary and Implications -
Results indicate that the benefits of neurofeedback treatment were maintained 6 months after treatment had ended. Thus, compared to children who received computerized attention training, which served as the control treatment, neurofeedback treated children continued to receive significantly lower parent ratings of core ADHD symptoms and also showed a greater decline in homework difficulties over time. These are encouraging findings and highlight that neurofeedback can be a beneficial treatment for some children with ADHD.
Despite these positive findings, however, it is important to emphasize that only 50% of children treated with neurofeedback showed at least a 25% decline in core ADHD symptoms at 6 months, meaning that the other 50% failed to show this level of clinical response. And, if one assumes that many of the children who began medication were also likely to have been non-responders (presumably parents would not have started medication otherwise), this figure becomes even higher. In addition, no follow-up data from teachers was available so it is not possible to know the extent to which any beneficial effects were maintained at school.
In recognition of these treatment limitations, the authors conclude that “…the low responder rate and the portion of children starting a medication in our study argue against NF as a stand-alone intervention for ADHD. The results indicate that not every child with ADHD may improve after NF treatment. In our opinion, NF should rather be seen as a treatment module for children with ADHD which can be embedded in a multimodal treatment program tailored to the individual needs of the child.”
The authors also noted, however, that because they followed a standardized treatment protocol for research purposes, rather than carefully tailoring neurofeedback treatment to each child, that their results may underestimate what is obtained in actual clinical situations.
In conclusion, results from this follow-up study provide evidence that neurofeedback can yield enduring benefits for some children with ADHD. As suggested by the authors, it may be an important component of a multimodal treatment program but its consistent use as a stand alone treatment does not seem to be supported by the findings reported here.
– Dr. David Rabiner is a child clinical psychologist and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University. He publishes Attention Research Update, an online newsletter that helps parents, professionals, and educators keep up with the latest research on ADHD, and teaches the online course How to Navigate Conventional and Complementary ADHD Treatments for Healthy Brain Development.
Related articles by Dr. Rabiner:
- New Study Supports Neurofeedback Treatment for ADHD
- Neurofeedback/ Quantitative EEG for ADHD diagnosis
- Promising Cognitive Training Studies for ADHD
- Mindfulness Meditation for Adults & Teens with ADHD
- How Strong is the Research Support for Neurofeedback in Attention Deficits?
- Self-Regulation and Barkley’s Theory of ADHD
This is a great article. I’m very impressed.
I just wanted to let you know that I’ve included this post in the latest Scientia Pro Publica now up over on my blog. Do drop by when you have a moment.
I think it is amazing that something that was used only for 40 sessions(aprox.2 or 3 months) and after six months without receiving any medication or therapy have shown some reduction in symptons in some children with ADHD. Have many medications or therapy you know that it can do that after taking them or having therapy.
This is something I found and it talks about the research made with medication and therapy that the NIHM did with ADHD.I belive it was one of the longest study.
“What the MTA really showed is that it’s not the medication per se but the intensive monitoring,” says Benedetto Vitiello, chief of the child and adolescent treatment and preventive interventions branch for the National Institute of Mental Health. “Having a visit each month, putting together all the information for the school and the parent, tailoring the treatment.” Indeed, when the study ended and the extra monitoring stopped, the benefits faded for all groups, medicated or not.
Medicines(if you tolerate the secondary effects) take years and when you stop taking them you continue having some adhd symptoms(in most adults they continue with the symptoms.I have ADD.New technology is showing that our brain works different.
It will have been great to know what happen in the brain of those kids who have some changes in their behaviors.
In the ones who took medication maybe they needed more sessions. They should done a study showing have many session are needed.
This is important because even when you medicate someone. People who do not always react well to the same dosage.
What machine they use for the study. Some machines do not have impedance check. Which mean that they can be measuring something else and not your brainwaves. Did they do a QEEG? In some people the brainwaves associated with ADHD are not in the same area of the head or they shown them in different areas. This means that if you are working the wrong area it may not help them.
It think it will be great to do a follow about after a longer period of time to see what happen with those children who showns some decrease.
I apologized for my English but it is not my language nor do I live in USA.
Neurofeedback tratamento de depressão e ansiedade.