June 22nd talk @ Fundacion Edad y Vida (Barcelona) on Health in the XXI century
Last November, talking with some Japanese colleagues at the World Economic Forum’s Council on the Aging Society, I discovered that it is common there to organize research-driven consortia/ learning labs among for-profit, non-profit and academic organizations interested in the development of “silver industries”, this is, where companies develop product and services specific to the needs of older adults.
I just discovered ‑having been invited to speak there, together with Prof. Shlomo Breznitz- that my native Spain counts with a similar innovative platform. You can see below (in Spanish) the details of my tak in Barcelona on June 22nd, and here you have how the Fundacion Edad y Vida describes itself:
- The Edad&Vida Foundation is a platform where all the different agents involved in contributing to the quality of life of elderly people converge. Edad&Vida is an open space to companies from different economic sectors, social agents and academic entities.
- Edad&Vida is the result of the effort of more than 40 leading companies that belong to different economic sectors. We can find companies directly related with dependence such as sanitary centres, care homes, pharmaceutical companies, products suppliers or elderly services. The members of the foundation also include other sectors such as financial, insurance companies, certification companies, technology, communications, leisure and food companies. These companies give Edad&Vida a transverse vision to its speech and activities.
- Also as part of Edad&Vida there are over 30 academic and research institutes, as well as elderly people associations, which contribute to give scientific rigor and legitimate our speech to reach the foundation’s goals and challenges.
We’ll see similar groups appear in the US in future years, I am sure.
Details of the talk — La salud en el siglo XXI — Como combatir el envejecimiento cerebral
Martes 22 Junio 2010. Hora: 19:00. Barcelona
El Sr. Higinio Ravent’s, presidente de Edad & Vida tiene el agrado de invitarles a la conferencia con el Profesor Shlomo Breznitz y Ãlvaro Fernandez Ibez:
Recientes descubrimientos cientficos han demostrado que el cerebro humano, a cualquier edad, tiene la capacidad de cambiar y reforzar sus circuitos para mantener y mejorar las capacidades cognitivas crticas para la vida y para el trabajo. Estos descubrimientos unidos a la irrupcin de tecnologÃas digitales estn revolucionando el campo de la salud cerebral a nivel mundial.
Santiago Ramn y Cajal afirmo que: “Cualquier hombre puede, si se lo propone, convertirse en el escultor de su propio cerebro”, y por fin comenzamos a contar con herramientas que nos permiten precisamente esculpir nuestros cerebros a lo largo de la vida, combatiendo el envejecimiento cerebral para mantenernos activos y productivos cuantos mas aos mejor.
El entrenamiento de las capacidades cognitivas mediante ejercicios personalizados ser probablemente algo tan habitual como lo es hoy el entrenamiento de las capacidades fsicas en los gimnasios.
Note: If you are intrigued by the mention above of neuroscience pioneer Ramon y Cajal, you can learn more about his autobiography Recollections of my life