Brainy Haikus for brain training

Thank you to every­one who has writ­ten so many fun haikus over the sum­mer (fol­low­ing the post Top 25 Brain and Mind Haikus. Yours?). These are the 10 I have enjoyed the haikus brainmost:

(Also, Can you write a haiku describ­ing any­thing cross­ing your mind now? Remem­ber the sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need to rhyme, con­tain­ing 5,7, and 5 syl­la­bles. You can leave your haiku as a com­ment below for extra points…)

Top 10 Brainy Haikus — enjoy!

- Amit:

Love, col­lege, career.
A new world of transitions.
Will I sur­vive? Yes.

- Kathy:

My release technique,
For­give, for­get, love all,
Med­i­tate on that!

- Alan:

Through the microscope,
slice of brain stains pink and blue,
the won­der of thought.

- Justin:

Justin the genieus
Must spell check the word genius
to post this Haiku

- Tim:

writ­ing quick haiku
seems so very difficult
can i pull it off

- Mer­cury:

Seek­ing brain fitness.
Am I haiku-focusing,
or just distracted?

- Kalsang:

My fin­gers tapping,
I chant out five, sev­en, five.
Is this new music?

- LW:

body aching now,
yoga isn’t so easy,
good for you they say?

- Emma:

You think yoga’s bad?
Try Aiki­do my good friend.
Knack­ers your shoulders.

- CJ:

Rain Stormy Boomer
Sew­er Back­ing To My Door
Is Insur­ance Paid?


In case you want to read more, below you have many more haikus con­tributed dur­ing the year:

- Techne, the philoso­pher, wonders:

Solve the big questions:
How do I know when I know?
Who knows the knower?


- Steve, the envi­ron­men­tal­ist, requests:


Neu­ro­plas­tic good.
Plas­tic, though lasts forever.
Always recycle!


- GTB, the skep­tic, says


Haiku’s are easy
But some­times they don’t make sense

- Mil­lie, spir­i­tu­al, suggests:


Play­ing music feeds
my soul while read­ing music
nur­tures my old brain.

- Mark, the opti­mist, reflects:


I thought I did well
Then I reviewed my answers
I am retard


- jolovli, the boomer, tries again:


improv­ing function
smoked too much weed in college
it’s nev­er too late


- Lloyd, the stressed-out, volunteers:


I thought so damn Hard.
My brain built lots of pressure.
I fart­ed out loud.


- Ter­ry says:


New infor­ma­tion
Syn­the­siz­ing my knowledge
A for­ward movement


- Frank says:


Painful­ly easy
Sig­nif­i­cant­ly harder
Men­tal stimulus

- Chuck says:


This was fun, and no,
I don’t intend to haiku.
Thanks for post­ing it

- Sarah says:


find­ing your teasers
added fun to my morning,
helped wake my brain up


- Lor­raine says:


teach­ing math is fun
when you find great resources
sharp brains is the place


- Psalm says


As my mind expands,
it grasps new ideas…oh look
there’s some­thing shiny!!


- anon writes


the noon hour portends
a bur­ri­to with salsa
bright­en­ing my tongue


- Mike says


See I think I see
Here now, not so — real­ly real?
Wound­ed, mind leaves me


- Lisa


new thoughts activate
frontal lobe work hard, harder
no senility


- Karen


Brain train­ing others
Like watch­ing the Earth open
One thought at a time


- Bruce


My brain stem works hard,
But the tests are much harder,
Need more grey matter


- Alvaro


Can per­form better,
Learn­ing, train­ing, and practice
Body, brain and mind


- ter­ri


strokes take speech away
some­one should find a quick fix
every­one needs to speak


- qt


Aha, a challenge
for the brain to endeavour
soon­er than later


- Sta­cy


Brain hurts so badly
Work­ing night shift: not so fun
Need to get some sleep


- camper­court


It is morn­ing now
The sun rose very early
Good­morn­ing to you


- kestrel


first white is purple

or it was red I think

now haiku, what next?


- Stacey


I thought is was fun.
Then it got a lot harder.
Wow i suck at this.


- anon


oh boy I wonder
will my tee­ny lit­tle ears
still hear loud thunder

of course it is true
the afore­men­tioned thunder
came out of the blue

from the blue you say
I think per­haps you are wrong
but it’s still okay


- Steve:


Accoun­tan­t’s cull.
Farewell to long-time work-mates.
Too real for haiku!


- Gail:


Old women gather
Seek­ing change is the power/
Thanks to grandmothers


- Robert:


My brain is just fried.
I used it too much this week.
I need some Spongebob.


- Shel­ley:


An infi­nite mind
Expan­sive, con­scious, knowing
Alert and aware


- Jet:


Haiku to you too
Now is for­ev­er, now is
Now is now to you


- Jack:


Cool death match: face off
Wer­nick­e’s area and
Bro­ca’s Region.


Yours, please?

(Remem­ber the sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need to rhyme, con­tain­ing 5, 7, and 5  syl­la­bles. You can leave your haiku as a com­ment below for extra points…)


More brain teas­er games:

Posted in


  1. Carol the courteous on December 17, 2008 at 11:03

    Win­ter Remedy

    Blus­tery, dark,
    Log in fireplace,
    soup on stove,
    Book, cat, laptop.

  2. Darren on December 23, 2008 at 8:37

    sit­ting at my desk
    wait­ing for the yule­tide fun
    just one hour to go

  3. Bill on December 23, 2008 at 9:04

    Strange Log­ic:

    I know one plus one,
    since one can’t live forever,
    one must become two.

  4. FemiNina on December 25, 2008 at 10:44

    sis­ter has hit Dee’s
    We know she’s gone from losing
    her soul blows cold-ward

  5. cipher on December 26, 2008 at 2:17

    sit­ting, thinking
    con­tem­plat­ing what
    at a lost 4

  6. Jglauser on January 4, 2009 at 11:30

    time to return
    anoth­er year beginning
    what will hap­pen now?

  7. mindgrep on January 7, 2009 at 2:55

    count­ing syllables
    one two three four five six oops
    sev­en threw count off

  8. Lionel on January 26, 2009 at 5:31

    life, a great journey
    I won­der where I will go
    a destination

  9. scott on February 4, 2009 at 9:14

    man, i am thirsty
    I won­der whats in the fridge?
    ah theres some juice, cool

  10. Carla on February 9, 2009 at 7:41

    Think­ing positive,
    Gen­er­ates nat­ur­al highs,
    Reju­ve­nates brain

  11. Alvaro Fernandez on February 10, 2009 at 8:33

    Thank you everyone,
    for becom­ing so engaged,
    in writ­ing haikus!

  12. Susie on February 28, 2009 at 8:00

    my stu­dents teach me

    oodles more than I teach them

    I am in their debt

  13. Nora Firestone on March 23, 2009 at 6:26

    grat­i­tude fueling

    per­pet­u­al machine for

    fuel­ing gratitude

  14. Cheryl on March 30, 2009 at 4:52

    just found sharp brains site,

    can’t wait to learn, grow and share,

    count bless­ings, give thanks.

  15. NORTANT on May 8, 2009 at 12:18



  16. Shigeo on May 8, 2009 at 10:20

    Any­thing will do

    As long as you fol­low rules

    to expand your mind

  17. Bon5ire on May 9, 2009 at 8:15

    I have to admit
    I’m not as smart as I thought
    But now there’s a chance

  18. Shano on May 7, 2016 at 1:23

    Oh my brain
    Please stop with that
    Guys are watching!!

  19. Tyl on June 6, 2016 at 3:44

    Dying of boredom
    Dur­ing Ramadan is fun
    To some but not me.

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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