#15. Top fun and brainy Haikus. Yours?
Readers have contributed a good number of haikus on brain-related topics. Below you have our favorite ones.
Our favorite fun and brainy Haikus
- Techne, the philosopher, wonders:
Solve the big questions:
How do I know when I know?
Who knows the knower?
- Steve, the environmentalist, requests:
Neuroplastic good.
Plastic, though lasts forever.
Always recycle!
- GTB, the skeptic, says
Haiku’s are easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense
- Millie, the spiritual, suggests:
Playing music feeds
my soul while reading music
nurtures my old brain.
- jolovli, the boomer, tries again:
improving function
smoked too much weed in college
it’s never too late
- Lloyd, the stressed-out, volunteers:
I thought so damn Hard.
My brain built lots of pressure.
I farted out loud.
Enjoy many other good ones:
- Terry says:
New information
Synthesizing my knowledge
A forward movement
- Frank says:
Painfully easy
Significantly harder
Mental stimulus
- Chuck says:
This was fun, and no,
I don’t intend to haiku.
Thanks for posting it
- Sarah says:
finding your teasers
added fun to my morning,
helped wake my brain up
- Lorraine says:
teaching math is fun
when you find great resources
sharp brains is the place
- Psalm says
As my mind expands,
it grasps new ideas…oh look
there’s something shiny!!
- anon writes
the noon hour portends
a burrito with salsa
brightening my tongue
- Mike says
See I think I see
Here now, not so — really real?
Wounded, mind leaves me
- Lisa
new thoughts activate
frontal lobe work hard, harder
no senility
- Karen
Brain training others
Like watching the Earth open
One thought at a time
- Bruce
My brain stem works hard,
But the tests are much harder,
Need more grey matter
- Alvaro
Can perform better,
Learning, training, and practice
Body, brain and mind
- terri
strokes take speech away
someone should find a quick fix
everyone needs to speak
- qt
Aha, a challenge
for the brain to endeavour
sooner than later
- Stacy
Brain hurts so badly
Working night shift: not so fun
Need to get some sleep
- campercourt
It is morning now
The sun rose very early
Goodmorning to you
- kestrel
first white is purple
or it was red I think
now haiku, what next?
- Stacey
I thought is was fun.
Then it got a lot harder.
Wow i suck at this.
- anon
oh boy I wonder
will my teeny little ears
still hear loud thunderof course it is true
the aforementioned thunder
came out of the bluefrom the blue you say
I think perhaps you are wrong
but it’s still okay
Yours , please?
Next brain teaser in SharpBrains’ top 25 series:
An infinite mind
Expansive, conscious,knowing
Alert and aware
Great I found out that
hardest is the unlearning
hence the preschoolers are better
What was crossing my mind now:
Love, college, career.
A new world of transitions.
Will I survive? Yes.
My release technique,
Forgive, forget, love all,
Meditate on that!
Through the microscope,
slice of brain stains pink and blue,
the wonder of thought.
Haiku to you too
Now is forever,now is
Now is now to you
Cool death match: face off
Wernicke’s area and
Broca’s Region.
My fingers tapping,
I chant out five, seven, five.
Is this new music?
body aching now,
yoga isn’t so easy,
good for you they say?
Accountant’s cull.
Farewell to long-time work-mates.
Too real for haiku!
Old women gather
Seeking change is the power/
Thanks to grandmothers
You think yoga’s bad?
Try Aikido my good friend.
Knackers your shoulders.
thank you all…this is fun.
Rain Stormy Boomer
Sewer Backing To My Door
Is Insurance Paid?
My brain is just fried.
I used it too much this week.
I need some Spongebob.
Justin the genieus
Must spell check the word genius
to post this Haiku
writing quick haiku
seems so very difficult
can i pull it off
Seeking brain fitness.
Am I haiku-focusing,
or just distracted?
My mind was thoughtfilled -
Until I started writing.
Now the mind is blank.
thoughts flying around
I pin them down
on paper
all organized now
Sought life’s comfort
Wasted off with regret
now sinking in sweat
The gas burns
The car runs
The ice melts down
Sweat pours off my face
Global warming, sun too close?
Nah, I’m just hot stuff
Schwartzenegger is
The Procrastinator
I’ll kill you… later
Teaching 6th graders,
I shouldn’t have to say this…
“Kid, we don’t eat lead.”
A reader’s story
Is in reading the story
Through the reader’s eyes