12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement

Quick link to an excel­lent and inspir­ing arti­cle in the Wall Street Jour­nal: 12 Peo­ple Who Are Chang­ing Your Retirement
(open access dur­ing a week)

* William Ben­gen, The Num­bers Guy, cer­ti­fied finan­cial planner

* Joseph Cough­lin, Har­ness­ing Tech­nol­o­gy, MIT’s AgeLab

* Eric Dish­man, Help­ing Peo­ple Stay Home, Intel Corp
* John Erick­son, Help­ing Peo­ple Leave Home, Erick­son Retire­ment Com­mu­ni­ties CCRC

* Charles Feeney, A Life of Pur­pose, Atlantic Philanthropies
* Kather­ine Fre­und, Stay­ing Mobile, Inde­pen­dent Trans­porta­tion Network

* Sheryl Gar­rett, Spread­ing Finan­cial Lit­er­a­cy, Gar­rett Plan­ning Network

* Michael Merzenich, Keep­ing Minds in Shape, Posit Sci­ence Corp.
* Bernard Osh­er, Senior School Mas­ter, Osh­er Life­long Learn­ing Institutes
* John Rother, Advo­cate for the Aging, AARP
* John P. Stew­art, Urban Plan­ner, Com­mis­sion on Aging and Retire­ment Education
* William Thomas, Rein­vent­ing the Nurs­ing Home, Eden Alternative

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