RoboMemo Working Memory Training in CHADD (ADD/ ADHD)
Landed in Chicago a few hours ago, and will write a longer update during the weekend on what is going on here with Cogmed Working Memory Training, RoboMemo, one of the most solid (but demanding) Brain Fitness Programs we have come across.
Today we met the Swedish team and most of the 15 US-based clinicians who have started to offer RoboMemo to their patients with working memory deficits‑a condition in many kids and adults with ADD/ADHD.
We heard great research presentations, including preliminary findings from a replication study done in by Bradley Gibson at NotreDame University (he and his team are doing very interesting work on cognitive training of executive functions), and great stories and data from a great collection of clinical professionals, from pediatricians to neuropsychologists and child psychiatrists, who are introducing this program in the US.
Perhaps brain training should be performed under light.