Marian Diamond and the Brain Revolution
I have been recommending, in this blog and in “real” life, the wonderful book Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture Your Child’s Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence, by Berkeley’s Marian Diamond and Janet L. Hopson.
In case you want to familiarize yourself with Marian Diamond’s work, which provides the cornerstone for Brain Fitness, enrichment and training, you can read some great essays written by her (gathered at the great New Horizons for Learning website):
The Brain … Use It or Lose It: A core component of brain exercise is challenge. Passive observation is not enough.
What are the Determinants of Children’s Academic Successes and Difficulties?: How can parents and teachers provide conditions that will most effectively promote Brain Fitness and lifelong learningin our children’s brains? Marian Diamond describes ways in which we can cultivate children’s minds to gather information and enhance imagination, motivation, creativity and work ethic.
Successful Aging of the Healthy Brain: Beautiful essay on how to keep our brains and minds active and fit throughout our lifetime.
Response of the Brain to Enrichment: Although the brain possesses a relatively constant structure, the ever-changing cerebral cortex is powerfully shaped by experiences before birth, during youth and, in fact, throughout life.
The Significance of Enrichment: Here, the brain physiological changes are explored in more detail.
Enrichment in Action: Dr. Diamond shares her work in Cambodia, to further strengthen the case for providing an enriching environment to stimulate brain growth.
Male and Female Brains: Are there significant differences between the male and female brain?
Why Einstein’s Brain?: Marian Diamond describes how she came to be interested in studying the particularities in Einstein’s brain back in the early 1980s.
My Search for Love and Wisdom in the Brain: Quote: “The frontal lobe is undoubtedly the most important area to culminate the neural processes leading to what we call wisdom and the most refined sense of love.”
You can explore many other great resources on neuroscience and learning at the New Horizons for Learning website. Enjoy!