Method for adaptive training of short term memory and auditory/visual discrimination within a computer game: Key Neurotech Patent #13


Today we are shar­ing a 2003 cog­ni­tive train­ing patent assigned to Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing Corp. U.S. Patent No. 6,599,129: Method for adap­tive train­ing of short term mem­o­ry and auditory/visual dis­crim­i­na­tion with­in a com­put­er game Assignee(s): Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing Corp. Inventor(s): William M. Jenk­ins, Michael M. Merzenich, Steven L. Miller, Bret E. Peter­son, Paula Tal­lal Tech­nol­o­gy Cat­e­go­ry: Neu­roCog­ni­tive Train­ing Issue Date:…

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Use and misuse of ADHD drugs and nootropics among teenagers and toddlers

Rital­in may pose brain risks for young peo­ple with­out ADHD, study shows (Fox News): “Smart” drugs, like Rital­in, also known as nootrop­ics, are known to increase a person’s atten­tion span, mem­o­ry and abil­i­ty to stay alert. As a result, they have become increas­ing­ly abused by stu­dents seek­ing an extra edge in their stud­ies. Accord­ing to a…

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Test your Short-Term Memory: How many letters can you memorize?

Mem­o­ry is more com­plex that we usu­al­ly think. Cog­ni­tive sci­ences have iden­ti­fied dif­fer­ent mem­o­ry sys­tems, each sup­port­ed by dif­fer­ent brain regions. One major dif­fer­ence is between long-term and short-term mem­o­ry (also called work­ing mem­o­ry). Long-term mem­o­ry is an unlim­it­ed stor­age of mem­o­ries dat­ing as far back as you can remem­ber to a few min­utes ago.…

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Comparing Working Memory Training & Medication Treatment for ADHD

Work­ing mem­o­ry (WM) is the cog­ni­tive sys­tem respon­si­ble for the tem­po­rary stor­age and manip­u­la­tion of infor­ma­tion and plays an impor­tant role in both learn­ing and focus­ing atten­tion. Con­sid­er­able research has doc­u­ment­ed that many chil­dren and adults with ADHD have WM deficits and that this con­tributes to dif­fi­cul­ties asso­ci­at­ed with the dis­or­der. For an excel­lent introduction…

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Improve Memory with Sleep, Practice, and Testing

There are whole mar­kets (think cross­words, herbal sup­ple­ments, drugs, brain fit­ness soft­ware) aimed at help­ing us improve our mem­o­ry. Now, what is “mem­o­ry”? how does the process of mem­o­ry work? Dr. Bill Klemm, Pro­fes­sor of Neu­ro­science at Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty, explains a very impor­tant con­cept below. — Alvaro ——- Get­ting from Here to There: Mak­ing Mem­o­ry Con­sol­i­da­tion Work…

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