The future (of brain health) is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed

We are pleased to announce two new resources for all pro­fes­sion­als, researchers, devel­op­ers, inno­va­tors and deci­­sion-mak­ers in the field of brain health and cog­ni­tive fit­ness who are inter­est­ed in bet­ter track­ing and shap­ing the future that is already here. First of all, we have opened up a “Friends of” pro­fes­sion­al net­work­ing group on LinkedIn.…

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New Report Finds A Brain Health Revolution in the Making, Driven by Digital Technology and Neuroplasticity Research

In spite of the recent eco­nom­ic down­turn, rev­enues for dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies to assess, enhance and treat cog­ni­tion, or dig­i­tal brain health and fit­ness tools, grew 35% in 2009. “The con­ver­gence of demo­graph­ic and pol­i­cy trends with cog­ni­tive neu­ro­science dis­cov­er­ies and tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tion is giv­ing birth to a nascent mar­ket­place that can fun­da­men­tal­ly trans­form what brain…

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What impressed the Judging Panel re. Innovation Awards Winners and Finalists

Let me now share what the Judg­ing Pan­el and the Sharp­Brains team found most impres­sive from each Win­ner and Final­ist of the 2010 Brain Fit­ness Inno­va­tion Awards, accom­pa­nied by some addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion on each of these 10 note­wor­thy ini­tia­tives and case stud­ies. Grand Prize Win­ner USA Hock­ey, Inc., is the Nation­al Gov­ern­ing Body of the…

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