Posts Tagged ‘new-york-times’
Great news: The New York Times acknowledges that (as clearly documented for 10+ years) Exercise and Brain Training are BOTH crucial for Lifelong Brain Fitness
Exercise May Enhance the Effects of Brain Training (The New York Times): “ interesting new study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience suggests that combining intense exercise and brain training might, over time, amplify the benefits of both for the brain, even in people whose minds already are working well…scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton,…
Read MoreBrain Training: It Works, and It Doesn’t Work
The IMPACT study which we reported on in December 2007, funded by Posit Science, conducted by the Mayo Clinic and USC Davis, has just announced publication at the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Reference: — Smith et al. A Cognitive Training Program Designed Based on Principles of Brain Plasticity: Results from the Improvement in…
Read MoreMysteries of Brain and Mind
Several recent NYT articles focus on several fascinating frontiers of brain science. We know much more about brain and mind than only 20 years ago, yet exponentially less than 20 years from now. A few worthy explorations on mindfulness, perceptual capacities, and the power of placebo:
Read MoreUpdate: Brain Fitness Seminars
Here you are have the bi-monthly update with our 10 most Popular blog posts. (Also, remember that you can subscribe to receive our RSS feed, or to our newsletter, at the top of this page, if you want to receive this digest by email). We hope you have some time to share with us today. Just…
Read MoreDriveFit (CogniFit); Brain Fitness Program for Driving
Driving as Next Brain Fitness Application? Last month, at the MIT/ SmartSilvers event where we presented our Brain Fitness Market Report, we discussed what specific applications, beyond the current emphasis on healthy aging, might take computerized cognitive training to a new level.  Assessing and improving driving skills would be a top candidate, given both the well-defined…
Read MoreMental Health News: NYT, Mind Hacks
A few very interesting New York Times articles over the last couple of days, plus a great opportunity for clinicians and researchers in Latin America. — Well: When a Brain Scientist Suffers a Stroke “Dr. Taylor recounts the details of her stroke and the amazing insights she gained from it in a riveting 18-minute video…
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