Cognitive Reserve and Lifestyle

In hon­or of the Week of Sci­ence pre­sent­ed at Just Sci­ence we will be writ­ing about “just science”.Today, we will high­light the key points in an excel­lent review of cog­ni­tive reserve: Today, we will high­light the key points in an excel­lent review of cog­ni­tive reserve: Scarmeas, Niko­laos and Stern, Yaakov. Cog­ni­tive reserve and lifestyle. Jour­nal of Clin­i­cal and Exper­i­men­tal Neu­ropsy­chol­o­gy. 2003;25:625–33.The con­cept of cog­ni­tive reserve has been defined as the abil­i­ty of an indi­vid­ual to tol­er­ate pro­gres­sive brain pathol­o­gy with­out demon­strat­ing clin­i­cal cog­ni­tive symp­toms. Epi­demi­o­log­i­cal evi­dence sug­gests that indi­vid­u­als with high­er IQ, edu­ca­tion, occu­pa­tion­al achieve­ment, or par­tic­i­pa­tion in intel­lec­tu­al­ly and social­ly active lifestyles may result in both quan­ti­ta­tive­ly more cog­ni­tive net­works and qual­i­ta­tive­ly more func­tion­al­ly effi­cient net­works result­ing in more reserve.

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Brain exercises: Want a workout for your brain?

Very fun arti­cle in the Birm­ing­ham News today on Sharp­Brains and brain exer­cis­es, titled Want a work­out for your brain?. The jour­nal­ist explains things very well and with great humor (for the humor, you need to read the arti­cle!). Here are some quotes: — “Think of it as a gym­na­si­um for your mind,” Sharp­Brains CEO…

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Online Brain Fitness Gym

See our sec­ond press release below, and vis­it our Press Room for the great press we are start­ing to get about our brain fit­ness gym. Spe­cial Offer: For a lim­it­ed time, you can receive a com­pli­men­ta­ry copy of our Brain Fit­ness 101 e‑Guide: Answers to your Top 25 Ques­tions, writ­ten by Dr. Elkhonon Gold­berg and Alvaro…

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Brain Health and Alzheimer’s disease

from Brain Fit­ness 101: Answers to Your Top 25 Ques­tions. Does a brain fit­ness pro­gram pre­vent Alzheimer’s dis­ease and oth­er forms of demen­tia? Stud­ies have shown men­tal­ly active peo­ple have low­er rates and lat­er onset of symp­toms for Alzheimer’s dis­ease and oth­er forms of demen­tia. These dis­eases involve a num­ber of vari­ables like fam­i­ly his­to­ry, phys­i­cal fit­ness, nutri­tion, and brain fit­ness. Peo­ple who remain intel­lec­tu­al­ly active and engage in hob­bies reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s dis­ease by one third.

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Brain Fitness Glossary

Giv­en the grow­ing aware­ness of this emerg­ing field, let’s review some of the most rel­e­vant con­cepts: Brain Fit­ness: the gen­er­al state of good, sharp, brain and mind, espe­cial­ly as the result of men­tal and phys­i­cal exer­cise and prop­er nutri­tion. Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram: struc­tured set of brain exer­cis­es, usu­al­ly com­put­er-based, designed to train spe­cif­ic brain areas and…

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Dana Alliance’s Brain Awareness Week for Brain Health

The Dana Alliance for Brain Ini­tia­tives is keep­ing up its great out­reach ini­tia­tives: 1‑ Check their blog with posts such as Resolve to be good to your brain, too. Tip: “Brain change takes time; allow your brain time to get used to new cir­cum­stance” (from the Dana Guide to Brain Health).  You can read our The Dana…

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