Sport-specific brain training programs gain adoption in basketball, ice hockey and soccer

Intel­li­Gym Trains The Brain Of An Ath­lete Like A Fight­er Pilot (Sport­Techie): “Fight­er pilots and peo­ple play­ing team sports have more in com­mon than you may have thought. In fact, the cog­ni­tive func­tions play­ers need on the soc­cer pitch, the ice rink and the bas­ket­ball court are very sim­i­lar to those fight­er pilots use during…

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Debunking 10 Brain Training/ Cognitive Health Myths

Think about this: How can any­one take care of his or her brain when every week brings a new bar­rage of arti­cles and stud­ies which seem to con­tra­dict each oth­er? Do sup­ple­ments improve mem­o­ry? Do you need both phys­i­cal and men­tal exer­cise or is one of them enough? Which brain train­ing approach, if any, is worth…

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Brain fitness & training heads towards its tipping point

How do you know when some­thing is fast mov­ing towards a Glad­wellian tip­ping point? When health insur­ance com­pa­nies and pub­lic pol­i­cy mak­ers launch sig­nif­i­cant ini­tia­tives. For exam­ple, the gov­ern­ment of Ontario recent­ly announced a $10 mil­lion invest­ment with Bay­crest Research Cen­tre who will part­ner with MaRS Ven­ture Group to devel­op and com­mer­cialise brain fit­ness technologies.…

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Cognitive News November-December 2008

Here you have sev­er­al recent arti­cles and devel­op­ments wor­thy of atten­tion: 1) Boom times for brain train­ing games (CNN) 2) Nav­i­gat­ing the brain fit­ness land­scape: do’s and don’ts (McK­night’s Long Term Care News) 3) USA Hock­ey and Intel­li­gym (press release) 4) Brain Fit­ness at New York Pub­lic Library (NYPL blog) 5) McDon­nell Foun­da­tion grant har­ness­es cog­ni­tive science…

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