Sport-specific brain training programs gain adoption in basketball, ice hockey and soccer

– Elite youth hock­ey play­ers in MN camp. Image cour­tesy of Applied Cog­ni­tive Engineering

Intel­li­Gym Trains The Brain Of An Ath­lete Like A Fight­er Pilot (Sport­Techie):

Fight­er pilots and peo­ple play­ing team sports have more in com­mon than you may have thought.

In fact, the cog­ni­tive func­tions play­ers need on the soc­cer pitch, the ice rink and the bas­ket­ball court are very sim­i­lar to those fight­er pilots use dur­ing aer­i­al combat.

Cut­ting edge ath­letes in these sports are begin­ning to train their brains the same way the US and Israeli Air Forces have for years. They are using a tool called Intel­li­Gym, a soft­ware pro­gram that helps hone all aspects of hock­ey sense includ­ing antic­i­pa­tion, and spa­tial awareness…The results and impact on ice speak for them­selves. Since inte­grat­ing the Intel­li­Gym into reg­u­lar train­ing USA Hockey’s youth teams have dom­i­nat­ed, win­ning an astound­ing 24 gold medals in inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tions, includ­ing 6 IIHF world championships…

Based on the suc­cess on ice, Applied Cog­ni­tive Engi­neer­ing is now devel­op­ing a soc­cer prod­uct and a num­ber of top Euro­pean clubs have jumped on board.”

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  1. Sara on July 1, 2016 at 3:06

    Great arti­cle and it’s good to see that brain train­ing and vision drills are becom­ing part of elite ath­lete training

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