Dance training: The ultimate way to delay brain decline by combining physical, cognitive, and social engagement

Study: Danc­ing may off­set some effects of aging in the brain (CSU release): “A new study led by a Col­orado State Uni­ver­si­ty researcher shows that kick­ing up your heels can actu­al­ly be good for your nog­gin. The research team demon­strat­ed for the first time that decline in the brain’s “white mat­ter” can be detect­ed over…

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Trend: More healthcare and research facilities offer multipronged brain fitness programs

Can an exer­cise rou­tine real­ly help keep your men­tal “mus­cles” in good shape? (Har­vard Health Let­ter): “Fear of los­ing your mem­o­ry and think­ing skills is one of the great­est con­cerns of get­ting old­er. Maybe that’s behind the increas­ing num­ber of clin­ics offer­ing brain fit­ness pro­grams. “Brain train­ing” isn’t a typ­i­cal exer­cise pro­gram; it incor­po­rates a…

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Update: Well-targeted brain training might significantly reduce dementia risk

Time for a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter. Hap­py read­ing! New brain research ACTIVE study: Well-tar­get­ed brain train­ing might sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce demen­tia risk To improve brain health you need BOTH aer­o­bic and cog­ni­tive exer­cise A new era of brain car­tog­ra­phy, pow­ered by neu­roimag­ing and machine learn­ing New tools for brain health and per­for­mance Akili rais­es an…

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Question: What’s the best type of exercise to promote brain health?

———- Answer: Car­dio­vas­cu­lar exer­cise that gets the heart beat­ing – from walk­ing to ski­ing, ten­nis and bas­ket­ball – seems to bring the great­est brain ben­e­fits; thir­ty to six­ty min­utes per day, three days a week, seems to be the best reg­i­men. Keep read­ing 20 Must-Know Facts To Har­ness Neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty And Improve Brain Health.

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