Upcoming: Grand Rounds Blog Carnival and Brain Fitness Q&A

Just a quick note to announce that next Tues­day, Novem­ber 15th, SharpBrains.com will be host­ing two great resources: 1- Grand Rounds Blog Car­ni­val: the week­ly col­lec­tion of what’s best in the health and med­ical blo­gos­phere (see great lat­est edi­tion Here). If you want to con­tribute your own blog post, please do so via this Contact…

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Grand Rounds 5:12 — Healthcare Reform Q&A

If Dr. Rob can inter­view San­ta, why can’t I inter­view a select group of health & med­ical blog­gers? They will have some good ideas to share”. So did Pres­i­­dent-elect Oba­ma came to real­ize a few days ago. After his peo­ple kind­ly con­tact­ed our peo­ple, we felt com­pelled to grant him open access to our col­lec­tive wisdom.…

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Brain Fitness News: Posit Science, Slate

A cou­ple of quick links DISCOVER Mag­a­zine, May 2007 issue, brings a great arti­cle titled “The Elas­tic Brain: Michael Merzenich believes you can tone your mind and stave off mem­o­ry loss. All it takes is time in his men­tal gym”. The arti­cle (which is not avail­able online) pro­vides a great overview of the amaz­ing work of…

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