Ten days left to submit proposals to the Wellcome Trust for Workplace Mental Health 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Wellcome are delighted to announce the launch of our Workplace Mental Health 2021 Request for Proposals.
Businesses all over the world are increasingly thinking about how they can most effectively support the mental health of their staff, even more so in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, despite growing interest and investment in workplace mental health, we still have so much to learn about what works.
In 2020, we asked ten global research teams to review the evidence behind a sample of promising approaches for preventing anxiety and depression in the workplace, focusing on younger workers. The research spanned a broad range of approaches ranging from employee autonomy to breaking up excessive sitting to financial wellbeing interventions. You can read a summary of the findings from this commission on our website.
Now we are looking to commission up to 20 research teams to review the evidence behind other individual promising approaches for preventing or addressing mental health problems in the workplace. This time we are broadening the scope to consider workers of all ages and wider mental health problems and we’re asking research teams to involve people with lived experience of mental health problems in the workplace throughout their projects.
We are particularly interested in approaches for supporting workers in low- and middle-income countries and it is our intention to commission at least five projects where the Lead is based in a low-income or middle-income country. We are also especially interested in research focused on supporting those who may be underrepresented and/or experiencing inequalities and discrimination in the workforce.
The commission will take place between October 2021 and March 2022 and the deadline for submitting an expression of interest is 12:00 BST on Monday 28 June.
We would be very grateful for anything you can do to share this with your networks and key links for the commission are set out below:
- For full details, read our Request for Proposals
- Anyone who is interested to apply will need to complete an Expression of Interest Form by 12:00 BST on Monday 28 June.
- If you know people who might be interested, please pass on this message to encourage others to apply.
Thanks in advance for your support.
News in Context:
- Comprehensive research review identifies most promising interventions to boost workplace mental health
- Three ways to protect your mental health during –and after– COVID-19