50 Finalists from 37 countries shortlisted for the $1M Global Teacher Prize

global-teacher-prizeCon­grat­u­la­tions to our Top 50 Final­ists (Glob­al Teacher Prize announcement):

Now in its third year, the US $1 mil­lion award is the largest prize of its kind, and was set up to rec­og­nize one excep­tion­al teacher who has made an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to the pro­fes­sion as well as to shine a spot­light on the impor­tant role teach­ers play in soci­ety. By unearthing thou­sands of sto­ries of heroes that have trans­formed young people’s lives, the prize hopes to bring to life the excep­tion­al work of mil­lions of teach­ers all over the world.

The top 50 have been short­list­ed from over 20,000 nom­i­na­tions and appli­ca­tions from 179 coun­tries from around the world. The top 50 short­list has rep­re­sen­ta­tives from 37 coun­tries and by high­light­ing their sto­ries the Varkey Foun­da­tion hopes that the pub­lic will be able to join in pas­sion­ate debates about the impor­tance of teachers.

The win­ner will be announced at the Glob­al Edu­ca­tion and Skills Forum in Dubai on Sun­day 19 March 2017.”


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