Growing demand for products to enhance cognition and memory
Marketing Cognition Products (Natural Products Insider):
“Cognition and brain health is a hot topic, especially in light of the aging population…As there is currently no cure for dementia, consumers have a strong interest in both performance and preventive cognition products that include an array of options from foods and beverages to supplements and nutraceuticals to a range of cognitive services…
Mental and brain health is of the utmost importance to consumers. It ranks second, just behind having enough money to retire, as one of the top 10 issues that are important to life today. And while the importance of cognition issues does increase with age and is more important to those over age 65 years, it is notable that about half of those under age 40 also consider it important, suggesting that this is not simply an issue for the aging.
Memory is a strong determinant of a healthy mind. Unfortunately, few believe their memory is stronger now than it was 10 years ago. While most report their memory is about the same, only 10 percent claim it is better (primarily those under age 40) and 37 percent say it is worse. This begs the question about whether consumers are actively trying to maintain their memory and whether they are using and are satisfied with products or services that claim to improve memory function.
Cognition concerns are clearly important to a large proportion of the population and not just the elderly. This suggests multiple approaches to market products across diverse targets may be the key to success.”
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