Sensible decisions over hard prescriptions for lifelong brain health

Brain ThinkerIntel­li­gence tests offer insight into age­ing brain (BBC News):

Six­ty-six years ago today, more than 70,000 10 and 11-year-old chil­dren across Scot­land took an intel­li­gence test…now they have formed the foun­da­tion of a remark­able research project which is pro­duc­ing valu­able insights into what lies behind cog­ni­tive decline — or age­ing of the brain…

Already there have been impor­tant find­ings indi­cat­ing — at a pop­u­la­tion lev­el — that envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors out­weigh the impact of genet­ics in age­ing of the brain.

It’s not just about doing one thing or tak­ing one thing and every­thing will be all right,” said Prof Deary.

It’s a mat­ter of choic­es of dif­fer­ent things and play­ing the num­bers. So if you know that if one thing is bet­ter to do than anoth­er, you’re prob­a­bly bet­ter to load your dice in the direc­tion of things that look sensible.”

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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