Update: From “Does Brain Training Work?” To How, When, for Whom It Can Work
June 29, 2012//Comments Off on Update: From “Does Brain Training Work?” To How, When, for Whom It Can Work
Time for SharpBrains’ June 2012 eNewsletter, featuring in this occasion several articles which, paraphrasing hockey player Wayne Gretzky, reinforce the need for everyone with a brain to “skate to where the (brain health) puck is going to be, not where it has been.”
Featured Perspectives
- Why Being Young for Grade Increases Odds of ADHD Diagnosis and Stimulant Medication, by Dr. David Rabiner
- Does Brain Training Work? Depends. Better Question is, How, When, for Whom Can Brain Training Work?, by Alvaro Fernandez
- Max Your Working Memory with Brain Games and Teasers, by Dr. Pascale Michelon
New Research and Resources
- Will EEG Data Analysis Help Diagnose Autism?
- 11 Hours of Meditation Can Enhance Brain Connectivity, Functioning
- Available Now: All Recordings of 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit
Finally, we are proud to share two new accolades we just received:
- “The SharpBrains Summit is unique in its impressive ability to unite a diverse collection of cutting-edge thinkers in a “virtual” conference that is shared globally without a hitch. I am delighted and honored to have been able to participate in this Summit since its inception.” — Dr. Adam Gazzaley, Director of the Neuroscience Imaging Center at UCSF
- “The SharpBrains Summit provides common ground for practitioners, scientists and industry leaders to work towards the common goal of driving brain health and fitness forward with a thoughtful, analytical and practical approach. The virtual relationships you can form through this conference are priceless.” — Kate Sullivan, Director of the Brain Fitness Center at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Have a great summer!
Posted in Attention & ADD/ADHD, Brain Teasers
About SharpBrains
SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.