New Online Course: How to Be Your Own Brain Fitness Coach in 2012
We are pleased to announce a new online course designed to equip participants with the understanding and information required to apply emerging science and tools to enhance brain health and functionality across the lifespan.
Course description: Information overload and longer lives expose our brains to more demands than even before. This fast-paced and interactive online course will examine the emerging science of neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve and survey latest tools and best practices to equip you to become your own ‘brain fitness coach’ and address personal and professional priorities. Available online from anywhere with an Internet connection, this course will help you pinpoint ways to optimize brain health and functionality and delay decline, navigating the maze of fragmented research, superficial media coverage and exaggerated marketing claims. The course is based on The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness –recently named a Best Book by AARP– and SharpBrains’ new ABBC framework (Address Basics, Build Capacities), and includes weekly readings and activities.
Mechanics: The course consists of four two-hour-long live online sessions to be held in March 2012 (detailed syllabus available), and an online private forum for Faculty and Participants to interact during March and April 2012.
Who this is for: This course is for anyone who wants to understand how emerging cognitive and affective neuroscience can be applied to enhance brain health and performance, and who is willing to participate in a fast-paced course that leverages e‑learning to facilitate a global learning experience.
Note: In order to ensure a valuable and interactive experience, participation will be limited to the first 200 individuals who register.
- Instructor: Alvaro Fernandez (SharpBrains)
- Guest Lecturers: Alvaro Pascual-Leone (Harvard Medical School), Robert M. Bilder (UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior)
To Learn More and Register, please visit the course page: How to Be Your Own Brain Fitness Coach in 2012.