Upcoming Health & Brain Fitness events
Here are some upcoming events I will participate in — feel free to leave a comment below or contact us if you will be attending too and want to say Hello. I really enjoy meeting SharpBrains readers!
» January 22nd, Consumer Reports’ Blogger Health Summit, NYC.
» March 5th, New York Academy of Medicine, NYC. I will present Brain Fitness Software — Consumers Guide to distinguishing hope from hype, at the Comprehensive Approach to Dementia Symposium sponsored by Montefiore Medical Center and with credit designated by Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Will blog when their website lists the agenda and allows registration.
» March 15–19th, ASA/ NCOA annual conference in Las Vegas. I will be presenting two sessions. Registration is open now at 2009 Aging in America Conference, but there is limited information on the sessions. Will blog when there are detailed abstracts available.
- The State of the Brain Fitness Market, 16-Mar-09, 08:00 PM — 09:30 AM
- Brain Fitness in Senior Housing: 18-Mar-09, 11:30 AM — 12:30 PM
Hello Alvaro — I’m also in S.F. and will be attending
the CR Blogger health summit on Thursday. I look forward to meeting you. See my 4/15 and 4/30 blogposts on Memory and Vibrant Brains at http://www.menopausetheblog.com
Wendy Lawson
Wendy — see you there on Thursday!