Brain Fitness around the Globe
A few days ago, Rajendra, an Indian reader of our newsletter, told us that ASHA (the acronym for the American Seniors Housing Association, for whom we prepared this special report), means Hope in Hindi.
Asha, everyone!
Then, we saw a few excellent articles on Brain Fitness and SharpBrains in multiple languages and continents-time to practice our language skills!:
Train your brain (Financial Times Germany):
“Ob Gehirntraining etwas ntzt ist nicht bewiesen. Aber in den USA boomt der Markt, Hersteller kooperieren mit Krankenkassen und Seniorenheimen. In Deutschland fassen die Spiele gerade erst Fu.”
Toman auge ejercicios que adiestran la mente (Milenio, Mexico):
“La clave est¡ en encontrar actividades que estimulen m¡s nuestra memoria.”
Trois nouvelles tudes IDATE : Serious Games (Publi-News, France):
“A travers une analyse dtaille des caractristiques, des usages et des diffrentes familles de serious games, cette tude met en vidence les enjeux associs aux phases de conception, de developpement et de diffusion des diffrents types de serious games.”
English-speakers were represented too:
An idea whose time has (finally) come (McKnight’s Long Term Care News):
“Like many revolutions, long-term care’s recent embrace of technology-based brain fitness tools began quietly. Then it exploded.”