Resource for Brain Fitness Centers
Our Market Report has received some recent additional accolades:
“In a widely scattered and unregulated field, this clear, credible document
is a first-class, pioneering compendium that’s likely to become industry-standard
for all of us in this field. Well done!”
— Eric Jensen, Founder of Jensen Learning Corporation.
“This is the first clear, concise and comprehensive overview and analysis I have seen of the emerging Brain-Training marketplace. It is a great market research for every investor, entrepreneur, manager, researcher and others who seek an understanding of the subject. Personally, I was waiting such a review for quite a while. The SharpBrains staff, led by Alvaro Fernandez, really did a great job here.”
– Danny Dankner, CEO, Applied Cognitive Engineering (ACE).
“Neuroscience is at a crossroads, and The State of the Brain Fitness Software Market 2008 by SharpBrains, points the way forward. Our understanding of how the brain works is just beginning to yield real fruit in the form of products that truly improve the function of the brain. This reports gives anyone interested in how to understand which products are truly in a position to make a difference in brain function, and which markets will be interested and profitable for such products an invaluable guide. We found the analysis clear, precise, loaded with substantive insight. One would be foolhardy not to use this publication as the best guide to this market.”
– Dr. Arthur Lavin, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Case Medical School, and Medical Director of A Working Mind.
“As we begin the task of developing a Brain Fitness Center at our Sunrise Senior Living Community, this Brain Fitness Market Report is proving helpful in numerous ways to develop our “road map” to navigate through the maze of information, myths and confusion that exists as Brain Fitness. It has helped us define a Brain Fitness destination for our community.
- The accurate and unbiased information regarding the science behind “Brain Fitness provides the foundation for educating our residents.
- The comparisons noting similarities, differences, formats and expectations of available programs assists us in choosing the program(s) that are best suited to the individual needs, interests and goals. It helps us stay within our budget to create a library of programs and a resource for assisting each resident in finding a program appropriate for him/her.
- The interviews with experts in the field of Brain Health are informative, yet easy to comprehend.
- The report goes beyond presenting basic information by exploring clinical applications for the present and future. It defines the potential applications for preventive health care. The interests, confusion, generalizations, misconceptions and expectations of consumers, educators, health care and insurance providers are addressed. It helps clarify the truths from the myths of brain fitness based on the most current research and knowledge.
- The software company profiles are clear and concise. The graphs throughout the report are easy to interpret.
- The specific checklist for selecting brain fitness software helps define the parameters and objectives of each program thereby providing excellent guidelines for matching the needs and expectations of the user to the appropriate program.
For any organization considering Brain Fitness Programs and wondering, “But where do we begin?, and “How can we acquire expert advice and proceed to create a center that meets the needs of those interested in pursuing this activity?, The State of The Brain Fitness Software Market 2008 report provides comprehensive and insightful answers and frameworks to make informed decisions.”
– Douglas C. Buttner, Executive Director, The Jefferson Sunrise Senior Living.
For more information, check out our Brain Fitness Software Market Report.
You can also view a PowerPoint presentation by clicking on State of the Brain Fitness Software Market 2008.