Neuroplasticity = Lifelong Learning
I have just read the best blog post I have read in a loooong while, so let me share it here now. Brett Steenbarger is a Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and a Trading Psychology expert who I had the pleasure to interview a while back. He is a master at trading, learning, teaching and coaching.
And has written this superb post: When Traders Lose Confidence — Part Three: Structuring Your Experience. We talk in this blog a lot about neuroplasticity and cognitive and emotional training, but what Brett outlines is, in summary, a very healthy attitude to life, lifelong brain plasticity, brain health, and success. Not bad!
See below a few of his quotes-but please read the full article here:
- What we call the “self”–how we experience ourselves–is the result of all that we internalize from people and events.
- Because we are always having new experiences–and can internalize these–we are always, to some degree, remaking who we are.
- Every activity we engage in provides us with feedback about ourselves: our abilities, how we’re perceived by others, our character. In selecting what we do, who we do it with, and how we do it, we can structure our experience to create mirrors of success and mastery.
- Experience is our psychological food; it’s vital that we feed ourselves well. But what does it mean to structure our experience and feed ourselves well psychologically?
- The reason I’m effective as a psychologist, I believe, is not because I’m all that more educated than others or utilize such better techniques. Rather, I have an uncanny ability to see the best in people; to push aside the problems of the moment and see through to qualities of greatness that are present within most of us, however fleetingly. It’s because I see the best in people that I can be a good mirror–and help others see in themselves what they otherwise cannot appreciate on their own Confidence comes from the right kind of mirroring–and we can choose our mirrors.
Please enjoy When Traders Lose Confidence — Part Three: Structuring Your Experience.