Quick synapses into other science and education blogs
1) Zack from NeuroInsights is talking with Chris Murray at the Harvard School of Public Health about researching Neurotechnosocioeconomics and the Global Burden of Brain Disease. The report, which would be sponsored by the Neurotechnology Industry Organization, would seek to calculate the economic burden for specific illnesses including Alzheimer’s disease, addiction, anxiety, attention disorders, depression, epilepsy, hearing loss, insomnia, chronic pain, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, stroke and a few other brain-related illnesses.”
If you work in this field, and are interested in how to contribute, just contact Zack.
2) Great science carnival, in a fun narrative expedition format The Tangled Bank Survey #68: The Voyage of Discovery
3) Great profile of many posts covering many areas of Learning and Education at Education Blog Carnival
4) Eide Neurolearning presents MRI images of brains experiencing metaphor and irony
5) Cognitive Daily responds to Can you tell me the “best” email sign-off? Thanks!