Brain Fitness Articles. Now with some humor.
More articles that you will find interesting, following the post a few days ago:ÂÂ
On the importance and impact of mental stimulation and training:
- Brain Work-outs (Society for Neuroscience): brief history on the science behind mental stimulation
- Training Improves Cognitive Abilities of Older Adults (Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health ): results from the Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE)
On the role of mental stimulation in protecting the brain:
- Mental stimulation staves off dementia (Medical News Today): ‘It turns out that one of the 11 activities, the physical activities we studied, was associated with a significant risk reduction when looked at one-by-one, and that was dancing”
- Mind-Building Hobbies Prevent Alzheimer’s (WebMD): more ideas on enriching our lives
On the importance of building a Brain Reserve
- Level of Job Difficulty Linked to Alzheimer’s (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel): good review of the Brain or Cognitive ReserveÂÂ
Other important aspects
— Stress and the Brain (Society for Neuroscience): how stress can hurt memory and other brain areas, and ideas to manage it better
— Exercise and the Brain (Society for Neuroscience): on the importance of physical exercise
— Humor, Laughter and The Brain (Society for Neuroscience): want brain exercise? tell me a joke! or participate in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest