Posts Tagged ‘University-of-Haifa’
Maximize the Cognitive Value of Your Mental Workout
Physical fitness. Cognitive/ brain fitness. Both require novelty, variety and challenge. Professor Schlomo Breznitz, a scientific and business leader in the cognitive fitness field, explains why, eloquently, below. Perhaps “we want change” really means “we need change”. Enjoy! ———————— Why are everyday life challenges not sufficient to keep our brains fit? – By Prof. Shlomo…
Read MoreBrain Exercise for the Frontal lobes: the McKinsey Mind
My first full-time job was as a strategic consultant at McKinsey & Company. A very intense 2‑year learning experience. Their Alumni News Service recently interviewed me and published this great article on SharpBrains. The writer does a superb job of providing an overview of what we do, so I recommend you read it. I’d like…
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