August e‑newsletter: Inside Out, Coffee, Stress, Poverty, Exercise, Brain Training, and more SharpBrains News

. Time for Sharp­Brains’ August e‑newsletter, wrap­ping up this month’s key brain-relat­ed news and stud­ies, and fea­tur­ing Four “Inside Out” insights to dis­cuss and improve our kids’ emo­tion­al lives (and our own). New stud­ies: With excep­tions, mod­er­ate cof­fee drink­ing may help pro­tect against mild cog­ni­tive impair­ment Struc­tur­al brain dif­fer­ences due to child­hood pover­ty may account for 20% of…

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Update: For brain training to work, it must induce neuroplasticity in regions that matter

Time for Sharp­Brains’ May 2014 e‑newsletter. If you’re look­ing for new think­ing, research and tools to enhance life­long brain health and per­for­mance, you’re in the right place… New think­ing: For cog­ni­tive train­ing to work, it must induce neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty in brain regions that mat­ter Which kind of mind­ful­ness med­i­ta­tion to choose? Com­par­ing sit­ting med­i­ta­tion, body scan, and mind­ful yoga…

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Cognitive Health/ Brain Fitness Resources

Good morn­ing, and Hap­py Father’s Day to those in the US and a good num­ber of oth­er coun­tries (see Wikipedia entry). Let me share today this col­lec­tion of infor­ma­tive and free Resources on how to improve/ main­tain top brain health and per­for­mance: Brain Fit­ness Newslet­ter: our twice-a-month newslet­ter, writ­ten by Sharp­Brains staff and over a…

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Executive Functions and Google/ Microsoft Brain Teasers

Inter­est­ing arti­cle: Want a job at Google? Try these brain­teasers first (CNN) Quote: “Seem­ing­ly ran­dom ques­tions like these have become com­mon­place in Sil­i­con Val­ley and oth­er tech out­posts, where com­pa­nies aren’t as inter­est­ed in the cor­rect answer to a tough ques­tion as they are in how a prospec­tive employ­ee might try to solve it. Since businesses…

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