Neurotech start-up Ctrl-labs raises $28M to reinvent human-computer interactions

___ Ctrl-labs rais­es $28 mil­lion from GV and Alexa Fund for neur­al inter­faces (Ven­ture Beat): “Ctrl-labs, a New York start­up that’s devel­op­ing a device capa­ble of trans­lat­ing elec­tri­cal mus­cle impuls­es into dig­i­tal sig­nals, today announced that it has raised $28 mil­lion in a fund­ing round led by GV, Google’s ven­ture cap­i­tal arm, 

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What will neurotechnology look like just one or two decades ahead?

___ Will it be about a new gen­er­a­tion of portable brain scan­ners that can sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er the price of research, like the one being devel­oped by researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Not­ting­ham and Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don in the UK? Or will it be about sophis­ti­cat­ed neur­al inter­faces, like the ones the US mil­i­tary is work­ing on, to change the…

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Are you familiar with these research findings and technologies revolutionizing Brain & Mental Health?

___________________________________ Try adding 3 and 8 in your head. That was easy. Now, try­ing adding 33 and 88. That was prob­a­bly more dif­fi­cult. Final­ly, try adding 333 and 888. Time for Sharp­Brains’ Octo­ber e‑newsletter, this time dis­cussing a range of research find­ings and tech­nolo­gies rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing brain and men­tal health. New think­ing about cog­ni­tion, brain and mind: Study sug­gests the…

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Neuroengineering pioneer Randal Koene to discuss neural interfaces at the 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit

________________________________________ Proud to announce one great addi­tion to the incred­i­ble Speak­er Ros­ter for the upcom­ing the 2017 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit (Decem­ber 5–7th). Dr. Ran­dal Koene is the Lead Sci­en­tist at Ker­nel, a $100-mil­lion-fund­ed start-up build­ing advanced neur­al inter­faces to treat dis­ease and dys­func­tion, illu­mi­nate the mech­a­nisms of intel­li­gence, and extend cog­ni­tion. A neu­ro­sci­en­tist and neuroengineer, 

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