Apple/ Eli Lilly’s bet: Wearable and mobile consumer devices may well help us detect cognitive impairment and dementia

__________ Apple, Eli Lil­ly research whether devices can detect demen­tia signs (Health­care Dive): “Demen­tia, which affects rough­ly 47 mil­lion peo­ple across the globe, costs $1 tril­lion world­wide, accord­ing to the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion. Ear­ly test­ing for the con­di­tion is spo­radic and, when con­duct­ed, it’s often not sen­si­tive enough to detect ear­ly stages of men­tal decline, creating…

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Scientia Pro Publica #16: Us, Friends, and Society

Wel­come to the 16th edi­tion  of Sci­en­tia Pro Pub­li­ca, the blog car­ni­val  that cel­e­brates the best sci­ence, nature and med­ical writ­ing pub­lished in the blo­gos­phere with­in the past 60 days. What are some of the fas­ci­nat­ing top­ics you can explore and dis­cuss with this group of blog­gers? Sci­ence & Us The Evolv­ing Mind: What’s the point of…

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