The Brain Fitness/ Training Market: An Executive Summary

Over the next weeks we are going to be shar­ing the Exec­u­tive Sum­ma­ry of our mar­ket report The State of the Brain Fit­ness Soft­ware Mar­ket 2008 with mem­bers and clients of sev­er­al part­ner orga­ni­za­tions (the British Colum­bia Seniors Liv­ing Asso­ci­a­tion, where I will be speak­ing this Thurs­day, Neu­rotech Reports, where I will speak on October…

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Medicine 2.0: the impact of web 2.0 on healthcare?

Wel­come to the 30th edi­tion of Med­i­cine 2.0, the blog car­ni­val devot­ed to arti­cles that ana­lyze the cur­rent and poten­tial impact of web 2.0 tech­nolo­gies on med­i­cine and health­care. “Med­i­cine 2.0” 101 The first ques­tion is, of course, “What exact­ly is Med­i­cine 2.0?”. The sec­ond, “Who cares?”. The third, “Why?” Anthro­pol­o­gists are here to help. Who…

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Science and Medicine blog carnivals

A cou­ple of excel­lent col­lec­tions of blog posts: ‑The Tan­gled Bank: all things sci­ence, with a very clear pre­sen­ta­tion. ‑Med­i­cine 2.0: inter­sec­tion of Health and Web 2.0, host­ed by Berta­lan Mesko, its creator.

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Trading psychology and Trader Performance

Pro­fes­sor, trad­er and author Brett Steen­barg­er, one of the main experts on Trad­ing psy­chol­o­gy and Trad­er Per­for­mance (see our inter­view with him here), just announced he will speak at a Free Inter­ac­tive Webi­nar on Trad­er Per­for­mance “Dur­ing the Webi­nar, I will sum­ma­rize and elab­o­rate basic ideas from my book and also intro­duce new ideas developed…

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