The Federal Trade Commission orders Focus Education to stop making unsubstantiated brain training claims

. Mak­ers of Jun­gle Rangers Com­put­er Game for Kids Set­tle FTC Charges that They Deceived Con­sumers with Base­less “Brain Train­ing” Claims (Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion): “A Texas com­pa­ny and its offi­cers must stop mak­ing unsub­stan­ti­at­ed claims that their com­put­er game, Jun­gle Rangers, per­ma­nent­ly improves children’s focus, mem­o­ry, atten­tion, behav­ior, and school per­for­mance, includ­ing for chil­dren with…

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Cognitive Health and Development: April Round-Up

Round-up of April arti­cles and news on neu­ro­science, brain devel­op­ment and cog­ni­tive health: Games for Health Con­fer­ences to host new Cog­ni­tive Health Track: For the first time, a new Cog­ni­tive Health track ‑Pow­ered by Sharp­Brains- will cov­er eleven brain fit­ness and cog­ni­tive health top­ics dur­ing the 5th Annu­al Games for Health Con­fer­ence. The cur­rent price…

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Brain/ Cognitive Enhancement with drugs… and cereal?

Sev­er­al recent arti­cles and news: Brain Gain: the under­ground world of “neu­roen­hanc­ing” drugs (The New York­er) — “Alex remains enthu­si­as­tic about Adder­all, but he also has a slight­ly jaun­diced cri­tique of it. “It only works as a cog­ni­tive enhancer inso­far as you are ded­i­cat­ed to accom­plish­ing the task at hand,” he said. “The num­ber of times…

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