Report calls for wide classroom-based adoption of ten brain fitness programs designed to improve foundational executive functions

__________ Nation­al Non­prof­it Releas­es Report Call­ing for Brain Fit­ness Inter­ven­tions in All U.S. Schools (press release): “Brain­Fu­tures released a report today that makes a clear case for inte­grat­ing proven brain fit­ness pro­grams into all U.S. class­rooms. Over a decade of research has shown that evi­­dence-based pro­grams can improve stu­dents’ exec­u­tive func­tion skills and proso­cial behaviors,…

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Learning with Video Games: A Revolution in Education and Training?

In recent years, we have wit­nessed the begin­nings of a rev­o­lu­tion in edu­ca­tion.  Tech­nol­o­gy has fun­da­men­tal­ly altered the way we do many things in dai­ly life, but it is just start­ing to make head­way in chang­ing the way we teach.  Just as tele­vi­sion shows like Sesame Street enhanced the pas­sive learn­ing of infor­ma­tion for kids…

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Debunking 10 Brain Training/ Cognitive Health Myths

Think about this: How can any­one take care of his or her brain when every week brings a new bar­rage of arti­cles and stud­ies which seem to con­tra­dict each oth­er? Do sup­ple­ments improve mem­o­ry? Do you need both phys­i­cal and men­tal exer­cise or is one of them enough? Which brain train­ing approach, if any, is worth…

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Mobile Brain Training, Scientific Learning, and More News

Some recent brain train­ing and health news:  1) A Promis­ing Debut for Com­put­er­ized Ther­a­pies 2) Fit­ness pro­tects brain in Alzheimer’s patients 3) Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram Clas­sic comes to Mac 4) Posit Sci­ence gains own­er­ship of Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing (NSDQ: SCIL) Brain­Con­nec­tion. 5) Brain train­ing on your mobile 6) You must remem­ber this: how the mind works Here you…

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Lumos Labs (Lumosity) Brain Training Games

Press release: Here – “Lumos Labs, devel­op­er of, the lead­ing web-based provider of sci­en­tif­i­­cal­­ly-test­ed brain train­ing games, today announced that it has raised $3 mil­lion of equi­ty financ­ing from Pequot Ven­tures, Nor­west Ven­ture Part­ners (NVP), and exist­ing investors includ­ing Michael Dear­ing. The investor group brings exper­tise that will cat­alyze the ongo­ing devel­op­ment of…

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From Scientific Learning to Dakim

Two inter­est­ing com­pa­ny press releas­es, one yes­ter­day one today, show­ing how cog­ni­tive inter­ven­tions may be help­ful no mat­ter our age, from kids to seniors, as long as we under­stand what those “tools” are sup­posed to do and don’t expect, or are promised, mir­a­cles: Dakim® , Inc. Secures $10.6 Mil­lion Series C Fund­ing Led by Galen…

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