Deborah Rozman: The brain is not only about cognition

deborah rozman

What excites you the most about your job? As the CEO of Heart­Math, I love our mis­sion of expand­ing con­scious­ness and our dai­ly work to help peo­ple build resilience and emo­tion­al coher­ence. Please tell us about your inter­est in applied brain sci­ence. What areas are you most inter­est­ed in? What moti­vat­ed you to pur­sue work in…

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Brain Fitness Program: How to Evaluate and Choose One

The hol­i­days are approach­ing and you can expect many soft­ware and game devel­op­ers to adver­tise their prod­ucts aggres­sive­ly, try­ing to get you buy their “brain train­ing” prod­ucts for you or as a gift for a loved one. The good news is that there are more and more tools we can use to keep men­tal­ly stim­u­lat­ed and…

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Emwave and Emotional self-regulation

In the post Trad­er Peak Per­for­mance and biofeed­back pro­grams we showed the Heart Rate Vari­abil­i­ty pat­terns cor­re­lat­ed with lev­els of a) anx­i­ety or b) Peak Per­for­mance, “The Zone”. Biofeed­back sup­ports our emo­tion­al self-reg­u­la­­tion: we can visu­al­ly track what is going on inside us and train our­selves to man­age our emo­tion­al state. On the left you…

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Brain teaser: What do you see?

What do you see? If you see an old lady, can you also see a young lady? If you see a young lady, can you also see an old lady? Both are there! Les­son: there are fre­quent­ly dif­fer­ent, and equal­ly valid, ways to read a sit­u­a­tion. We bet­ter lis­ten to com­ple­men­tary per­spec­tives and ensure con­struc­tive team­work. Enjoy the day.

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