Update: The State and Future of Brain Fitness

Here you are have the twice-a-month newslet­ter with our 10 most pop­u­lar blog posts. Please remem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive this Newslet­ter by email, sim­ply by sub­mit­ting your email at the top of this page. A cru­cial top­ic we cov­er is, “How can we use emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies to keep our brains healthy and productive…

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Richard Dawkins and Alfred Nobel: beyond nature and nurture

Nature or nur­ture? well, both of course…but maybe the ques­tion itself is leav­ing out a crit­i­cal com­po­nent: our free will and poten­tial to tran­scend, and influ­ence, both. My wife Lisa and I just came back from a relax­ing and stim­u­lat­ing 2‑week vaca­tion. One of the high­lights was to par­tic­i­pate in the open­ing, at Oslo’s Nobel Peace…

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